Alcohol bringing on panic attacks


New member
I went off beer for a month, and now i am drinking again i find i have panic attacks. i can't sleep i feel like vomiting and pins and needles under my skin. i feel like i am having a heart attack but it isn't. dryness of the mouth. The feeling is terrible and will last for 30mins - hrs. I have 3 questions if anyone else gets panic attacks from alcohol and does anyone else find that video games bring them on. and what is the best way to calm yourself down. i am not going to drink anymore to see if that helps. if anyone has answers for me, they would be welcome. thankyou.


Staff member
I was like this once, thought booze made me panicky

as I'm over panic disorder for the most part now and can drink fine I can say (logically) that its you thats causing the panic, nothing to do with the drink.

I used to think certain foods caused panic and even sugar, only thinng that can increase it but only slightly is caffiene, so try cutting that out (this includes coca cola)

I did notice cutting out caffiene completely really reduced anxiety