Do you ever avoid men or women you like?


Well-known member
So even if she made it obvious; saying hello everyday, baking you cookies, giving you a Christmas card, etc. you'd just not care or wouldn't have the drive to try and make something happen?

What if she acted as if her feelings were hurt and gave you the cold shoulder, didn't say hello, wouldn't make eye contact all of a sudden...would that show you she cared?


Well-known member
If I see an attractive guy I'll automatically feel uncomfortable and I'll do anything and everything I possibily can to avoid him.


Well-known member
Now, you are saying you DON'T want a relationship ever? Or is it just until you can figure out how to get close to someone..a particular person?

Have you ever regretted not going for it with someone who obviously liked you?


Well-known member
i do. well not like but i find remotely attractive.

its not as bad as it use to be i think. because i have a boyfriend that i love. But its messed up because i still have this fear.


Well-known member
Even with a boy/girlfriend you'd be anxious around someone else you found attractive?

I'd thnk once having a relationship the fear of another attractive person would make the anxiety non existent at that point??? Why care???? You have someone!

Am i wrong?

Can you only be avoident with one person but fine with everyone else..even having a girl/boyfriend??????


Well-known member
I'm kind of the opposite. I tend to be attracted to people I'm more comfortable around, so I get kind of clingy with people I like. It's everyone else that I try to avoid.

same... i have few but very good friends because i enjoy being around these people a lot.


Well-known member
I used to go out of my way to avoid pretty girls when I was younger, now I don't care as much. I feel like I'm bothering someone everytime I'm talking to them anyway, no matter who it is. I do act a bit differently around good-looking people, though. Eye contact is harder, speaking coherently is harder, and the Radiohead song "Creep" is usually on repeat in the back of my head. If I knew they were interested I'd probably feel a bit more at ease, but that never happens.
I avoid them as much as I like them, buy I've never had the luck of being aproached, so I don't know how I would like in such situation


I've never liked anybody. I'm 24yrs old. No crush. Nothing. Maybe I don't even allow myself to like people I guess. I'm very suspicious of people in RL. I don't love them and it's boggled my mind as to why they would love/like me.


Well-known member
I've liked one person.
I don't believe I ever avoided him because I liked him, though~

I avoid people who I assume dislike me-- out of courtesy to them; so they don't ever have to see my ugly mug. haha

Making friends with boys was always easier for me than making friends with girls. Girls tended to hate me all through my childhood. Not sure why... boys liked me because I could keep up.
Although now that I'm older and have had many uhh... I'll call them 'misunderstandings' with the opposite sex; I think I'll try to make friends with girls rather than boys- to save them the trouble in the future.


Well-known member
I avoid all members of opposite sex, because I know I have no chance with them.

My thoughts exactly.

Although in the beginning of high school I used to talk to a couple guys about video games during class. That lasted maybe a year and that was it.

I've never really pictured myself as girlfriend material anyways.


Well-known member
I avoid them as much as I like them, buy I've never had the luck of being aproached, so I don't know how I would like in such situation

My number finally came up and the person I was totally into revealed that they were totally into me too. I turned them down. It would be an end to the essential distance, I'd be a let-down, they'd find out what I was really like.

The worst part is, I led them on. I was comfortable enough to be flirtatious because there was no intimacy and I naturally assumed there never would be. As soon as they responded, I said no.

Never forgiven myself for how I treated them and denying myself the opportunity I'd always wanted.


New member
Awfully shy. In fact, I don't understand how you cannot be shy (run-the-heck-away-shy) towards someone you're in love with.

I've been in love with a girl for 3½ years now. And she's not really a girl I've been inspecting from around a corner without ever talking to her. She once even litterally stated I and I were friends. And still, the occasions on which I happened to sit next to her were the only ones in which I talked to her. I would never take the initiative to talk to her myself, no, I feel I'm not worthy of her attention. And even if she's the one to take the initiative to have a conversation, I abrogate and leave as quickly as possible because it makes me feel like I'm wasting her time and she only talks to me because she feels bad for me, and therefore obliged to have that one chat with me.
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Active member
I was just wondering if anyone gets anxious or too shy to approach or be around the opposite sex when very attracted to them?

If you know the person is interested in you romantically and wants your it better or you avoid them even more???

Oh man....I do this all the time. I believe I am not an ugly man. Girls always look at me and smile. And sometimes they even move closer to me, waiting for me to initiate. I can totally read their body language. BUT! I always end up moving away.....You don't even know how many hot opportunities I missed purposely.


Well-known member
Yeah, I remember last time I had a crush on someone, I would say "damn it!" to myself every time I found him by chance (he was in my college, so yeah, it was pretty usual to see him in the corridors and around the university). But contradictory as it was, I liked his company and exchanging just a couple of courtesy words with him... Aynway, all of that is past. I don't want to fall in love with anyone now.


eh, depends. if i'm attracted to someone and i think they don't know i exist, then i'm pretty avoidant. but if i'm attracted to a person and i suspect they might also be interested in me then i'm like all up in their face...well at least as in your face as i am capable of...which isn't much...but its like more then nothing.