Disinterest in movies/tv

That requires some effort to watch all those episodes. Maybe if someone gets them for me on DVD, I will watch it. :bigsmile:

Had you lived inside the European Union (for import/export tax reason), I would've happily bought them for you. :D


Well-known member
Had you lived inside the European Union (for import/export tax reason), I would've happily bought them for you. :D
You still can, even though our DVD regions are different. ::p: Or you could buy an Australian copy and send it to me. You know you want to. I'll pay you back in pizza. :)


Well-known member
That's one of the reasons why I like it. Non of them are 'good people' by any means, but they're interesting to watch and study. :3

Don't get me wrong, I like grey area characters, but I have to like them - even the ''bad guys'' - or I just have no interest in them.

Game of Thrones is a prime example. Cersei is such a b.... but I love her. She's one of the ''bad guys'', but she's not wholly bad. And Tyrion. The Hound. Baelish. I could go on. Characters don't have to be 100% good or evil for me to like them, but if I don't like them, or love to hate them for being deliberately evil - hello Joffrey - I just can't watch.
Don't get me wrong, I like grey area characters, but I have to like them - even the ''bad guys'' - or I just have no interest in them.

Game of Thrones is a prime example. Cersei is such a b.... but I love her. She's one of the ''bad guys'', but she's not wholly bad. And Tyrion. The Hound. Baelish. I could go on. Characters don't have to be 100% good or evil for me to like them, but if I don't like them, or love to hate them for being deliberately evil - hello Joffrey - I just can't watch.

Yeah, I totally get what you mean.

Breaking Bad is a bit of an acquired taste in that sense. It's literally filled with villains whom operate on selfish desires, rather then necessity (like they do in GoT).

But in a way I find it interesting to see how that all develops. The transition from lame teach to infamous kingpin has been very interesting.


Well-known member
Anyone else ever go through this?

Not a big deal, of course, but I used to be the first person to get in line for the new releases, watch a lot of TV, play video games, watch all the current ones and catch up on the older movies...you name it, I watched it. I was really no more busy than I am today - I had a full time job, and still went to college and helped the family ... so nothing much has changed in that way, so what's up with that?

But now, I feel like I just don't have time, I get bored easily, too distracted when I try to sit down and watch something, I can't sit still...

To top it off, my NY pal gave me access to their netflix, hulu and myplex accounts so I have all the TV and movies I want, at my disposal....How kind of him to allow me such access to his accounts (FREE!) but I just can't seem to get around to even try to watch something or when I can squeeze in the time, I get so distracted and bored I feel like I am just wasting it...It makes me feel bad that all this is at my disposal and I am not using it.

I used to watch All My Children religiously - for about 20 years. I found myself getting over the fact that it was cancelled. I thought, eh, it's over, one less show I have to record. Now, it's been revived online and I watched 1 30 minute episode, and haven't bothered to watch any more. Seriously, if there was one thing I MADE SURE I DID, I watched that day's episode of All My Children...but now, I don't even care about that, lol!

Does this sudden disinterest and 'eh, whatever' attitude come with age? Is this a mid-life crisis phase I am going through? is it ADHD? Is it because I found a grey hair and now it's just downhill from now on? LOL

...and so it goes...:idontknow:

I have been there myself. Lost interest in all things entertainment. I was in a really bad place in my previous relationship mentally. I used to fall asleep on the couch before the movie was over all the time, or I would get up and not be able to stand sitting through dribble they call movies-felt like you said ADHD. I go through spells now where nothing can hold my interest. I am in a bit of one of them right now actually. It's usually my subconscious trying to tell me to do other things with my life instead of waste it watching crap.:eek:h: Most of the time now I watch documentaries then at least I feel as if I am learning something from my time spent watching videos.


Well-known member
I lose interest in TV and movies because they are usually a passive experience. When that happens I need something else to feel fulfilled, but it is difficult to work out with what.
If I had cable I MIGHT watch on occasion....but more than likely not. The computer and games are my entertainment for the most part. Not much of a current events kind of person but I can browse random topics for hours; you can be certain nothing learned is ever applicable in real world standing but its the idea of greater knowledge!
No, I doubt it comes from age because I know some "older" people who are still addicted to television (and some of them to movies as well).

I used to watch it as a kid. Starting in high school I completely lost interest. I still like movies sometimes, and occasionally I will watch television, but my main technological distractions are my phone and the computer (and I'd argue the computer is far worse than television, as far as bad habits go).

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I admit I do like watching some TV as wellalthough getting bored of them as well. In the summer I decided to get rid of cable and go internet only since I do have Netflix account.

Shows I do watch are Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory, Anger Management, How I Met Your Mother, Family Guy, and Robot Chicken

On my days off I admit to watching Jerry Springer and Maury Povich for a few laughs but even now I get tired of watching the same thing each time.


Well-known member
The older I get the less I am interested in TV/movies etc. I don't know if it has to do with depression.

I've come to the realization that most TV and movies are ultimately quite empty and unfulfilling, whereas I used to watch things religiously as an escapism, and really emotionally invested myself in it.
With this realization, I've also found a newfound joy for it, strangely enough, because I can just appreciate it for what it is; not that big of a deal. I've also found more love and appreciation for more artsy and philosophical films when I'm in the right mood. Or more quirky comedies/indie movies. Maybe you should try watching different stuff to reinvoke your interest. Above all I think you shouldn't force yourself to watch movies and TV and think to yourself that you're depressed or crazy for not wanting to otherwise.
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