Disinterest in movies/tv


Well-known member
Anyone else ever go through this?

Not a big deal, of course, but I used to be the first person to get in line for the new releases, watch a lot of TV, play video games, watch all the current ones and catch up on the older movies...you name it, I watched it. I was really no more busy than I am today - I had a full time job, and still went to college and helped the family ... so nothing much has changed in that way, so what's up with that?

But now, I feel like I just don't have time, I get bored easily, too distracted when I try to sit down and watch something, I can't sit still...

To top it off, my NY pal gave me access to their netflix, hulu and myplex accounts so I have all the TV and movies I want, at my disposal....How kind of him to allow me such access to his accounts (FREE!) but I just can't seem to get around to even try to watch something or when I can squeeze in the time, I get so distracted and bored I feel like I am just wasting it...It makes me feel bad that all this is at my disposal and I am not using it.

I used to watch All My Children religiously - for about 20 years. I found myself getting over the fact that it was cancelled. I thought, eh, it's over, one less show I have to record. Now, it's been revived online and I watched 1 30 minute episode, and haven't bothered to watch any more. Seriously, if there was one thing I MADE SURE I DID, I watched that day's episode of All My Children...but now, I don't even care about that, lol!

Does this sudden disinterest and 'eh, whatever' attitude come with age? Is this a mid-life crisis phase I am going through? is it ADHD? Is it because I found a grey hair and now it's just downhill from now on? LOL

...and so it goes...:idontknow:
I get what you mean. I used to play tons and tons of games just for the fun of it, but now I can only bare to play like 3 or 4 per year (if that). For that same reasons.

I have it less with TV shows and movies, though. But that's mostly because they're movies and shows I admire with a passion. But for example, I can't stand to just sit and watch random sitcoms any more like I used to. It's like my mind goes into overdrive when it's not engaged with in the right way. A mere 3 years ago I'd be the happiest guy in the world if I could just watch a endless string of crappy shows.

My trigger was getting a job. I haven't been able to regain to easy-going me, unfortunately.


The distraction is a killer

During the day, I spend time actively finding work and speaking to recruiters with all TV off, or the news in the morning when I get ready for work

After 1800, it's an unavoidable addiction, second to only food, when living alone

Raised by parents who became addicted to their first TV set when they were 50

I did enjoy more time on vintage video games than TV

I remember the decision to never watch TV when we were students in the right houses. I'd say never let your children watch it

I've completely forgotten what it's like in a cinema (school days)


Well-known member
But now, I feel like I just don't have time, I get bored easily, too distracted when I try to sit down and watch something, I can't sit still...
Yeah, life gets in the way. It feels like a waste of time. I get that with video games now.

I am not a fan of TV - I will get the DVD before dealing with commercials every 5 minutes. I like going to the cinema, though. :thumbup:


Well-known member
Anyone else ever go through this?

Not a big deal, of course, but I used to be the first person to get in line for the new releases, watch a lot of TV, play video games, watch all the current ones and catch up on the older movies...you name it, I watched it. I was really no more busy than I am today - I had a full time job, and still went to college and helped the family ... so nothing much has changed in that way, so what's up with that?

But now, I feel like I just don't have time, I get bored easily, too distracted when I try to sit down and watch something, I can't sit still...

To top it off, my NY pal gave me access to their netflix, hulu and myplex accounts so I have all the TV and movies I want, at my disposal....How kind of him to allow me such access to his accounts (FREE!) but I just can't seem to get around to even try to watch something or when I can squeeze in the time, I get so distracted and bored I feel like I am just wasting it...It makes me feel bad that all this is at my disposal and I am not using it.

I used to watch All My Children religiously - for about 20 years. I found myself getting over the fact that it was cancelled. I thought, eh, it's over, one less show I have to record. Now, it's been revived online and I watched 1 30 minute episode, and haven't bothered to watch any more. Seriously, if there was one thing I MADE SURE I DID, I watched that day's episode of All My Children...but now, I don't even care about that, lol!

Does this sudden disinterest and 'eh, whatever' attitude come with age? Is this a mid-life crisis phase I am going through? is it ADHD? Is it because I found a grey hair and now it's just downhill from now on? LOL

...and so it goes...:idontknow:

Well, for some people, movies/television are just a thing to watch. But for me, and others, we invest ourselves into the imaginary worlds they take us. I dunno which you are, but is it possible you're the latter and just unwilling to commit to that kind of involvement? I LOVE television. Back when Lost was on I used it as a reason to keep on going just so I could see how it ended, lol. And with shows like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Dexter, etc, I get really excited about them. They're something to look forward to. I really buy into the characters. For others, and to some extent myself, movies do that.

Another reason, maybe you've just changed? Have you any new interests? Perhaps you want more realism, something more expressive for you rather another's creations, are less patient or heaps of other possibilites. Regardless, I don't think it's that big of a deal unless you start feeling the same about everything. Which I hope isn't the case.


Well-known member
I limit TV and/or movies to at most 1 hour a day. I work a lot on the computer (doing homework, coding, etc) so during break time, I stay away from TVs because my eyes need to rest. Over time, this has led to a disinterest in TV shows and movies.


Well-known member
I'm sort of the opposite. Back when I was social I didn't really watch tv but I always went to the cinema with friends. The only time I'd watch tv is if I was off work for the day - sick, bank holiday etc. I became more and more isolated over the years and spent more time in front of the tv, and then in front of the tv in my room. I lost the tv in my room so I spent all of my time online, gaming. Then I started downloading tv shows and movies. I wouldn't say I'm fanatical about shows and very attached to characters, but tv and movies (as well as books, but I only read before bed to wind down) have become my escape. When I'm not watching something, I'm daydreaming about things I've watched, imagining myself living in those worlds, usually with headphones on so I've totally checked out of real life.


Well-known member
I don't watch TV any more, only the news during dinner (or a football match if there's one being broadcasted). Apart from a few TV shows and movies, I find most of them uninteresting and too predictable. I started watching anime a couple of years ago and I haven't gotten bored yet. Since it's animation there's a lot more freedom to do whatever you want since you don't need actors and special effects to do whatever you want. Because of that there are also a lot more shows and as such there's a huge variety of things to watch. The episodes are usually 25 minutes long so I don't waste a lot of time on it in one go either.


Well-known member
I tried to watch Breaking Bad, I got about 5 episodes or so in and I just hated every single character. It's hard to watch a show where you're not rooting for/connected to/like at least one person.
I've heard a lot of good things about this show. Maybe I'll get into it one day.

You should. It's really great. If you start right now you should be able to catch up right before they air the last bit of the very last season (which'll come in the summer).
I tried to watch Breaking Bad, I got about 5 episodes or so in and I just hated every single character. It's hard to watch a show where you're not rooting for/connected to/like at least one person.

That's one of the reasons why I like it. Non of them are 'good people' by any means, but they're interesting to watch and study. :3


Well-known member
I tried to watch Breaking Bad, I got about 5 episodes or so in and I just hated every single character. It's hard to watch a show where you're not rooting for/connected to/like at least one person.

Same for me. I watched the first episode and I didn't like any of the people so I was completely disinterested.


Well-known member
You should. It's really great. If you start right now you should be able to catch up right before they air the last bit of the very last season (which'll come in the summer).
That requires some effort to watch all those episodes. Maybe if someone gets them for me on DVD, I will watch it. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
That's one of the reasons why I like it. Non of them are 'good people' by any means, but they're interesting to watch and study. :3

I didn't like any of the Sopranos characters as people I would enjoy having in my daily life but they were at least interesting to me. Breaking Bad had zero appeal.


Well-known member
Copper is a good show- from the BBC- about New York in 1864 and the main guy (Copper) makes me weak in the knees haha It's a bit like Dead Wood with out all the great dialog.