Classmate is harassing me? What do I do?


New member
Every day or at least every week in my reading class, this kid named Curtis is harassing me in class. He is one mean kid who likes to joke around a lot, and I am sick of it. I am in an Intensive reading class because I didn’t pass the reading FCAT. A class like this has kids that don’t care about school, and think this is the class to socialize. I am an honor student, but I just can’t pass the Reading FCAT even though my reading speed is good, and I understand reading comprehension. I don’t belong in a class like this. Anyways, at the beginning of this new semester, we had new students exchanged to my class. My seat at first was next to Curtis. He gave me an awkward greeting by simply rubbing my leg. I told him, “Don’t touch me, what are you doing?” No reply. A couple days later, Curtis asked me if I was a smart kid, and for some reason I hate it when people ask me that, I feel like a nerd. He distracts me when I am trying to do my work, so I asked my teacher to move my seat, I moved, and Curtis still harasses me. I tried to be quiet so there would be no trouble between me and my classmates. Once the dismissal bell rang, I put on my jacket to go home and when I turned around, Curtis whacked me in the mouth with his cap. Curtis went far enough, so the teacher talked to him and he still didn’t listen. Now, when he walks by my desk, he pounds on it, trying to get my attention. A couple days ago, my teacher asked us to share a story about being a new kid to a school. I told my story and Curtis was going hysterical over it. So his friends and even my friends were staring at me and laughing at me. I have no idea what was so funny. So it pissed me off and I didn’t say a word the past couple days. Now my teacher is mad at me because I haven’t even talked to her lately. I can’t talk to my teacher because she likes Curtis and she thinks nothing is wrong. My parents tell me to realize that he is an immature idiot and ignore him, but ignoring him doesn’t work. Today Curtis was calling my name when I was silent, and all my classmates wanted me to pay attention to him, and I told them I don’t want to talk to him. After that, a riot went on. My teacher asked me so loud, “What is your problem, Justin?.” I have already told her the problem a while ago. I have a feeling something is going to happen to me. Who knows? I may get into a fight with him, or he’s going to harass me even harder. What do I do? Please help me! Thanks.


Well-known member
Well you teacher should realize that it is genuinely bothering you and sit both of you do to resolve the issue. There was a guy like this in my freshman English class and for some reason he took it upon himself to mess with me. I ignored him at first, but when he persisted, I just laughed about it and he gave up.

Just curious, how old are you guys? Guys at my high school did the leg grabbing shit all the time. It's just something that immature guys do, kinda "pretend" to act homosexual or question each others' manhood you know? If Curtis pounds your desk everyday like that, then he should be seeing some hard detention or possibly suspension depending on how he goes about it. That's nothing short of harassment, you're absolutely right. Maybe you could talk to the school counselor about it since he/she would be unbiased unlike your teacher.

The best advice I can suggest now, though, is to realize that he's one guy and you're parents are right. Most kids grow up and out of that stupid shit and since you're an honors student, you will probably not have to deal with it from him again. If you make his attacks backfire but giving him an unexpected response, like laughing about it or showing that you see what he's doing but you don't care then he'll probably back off. Bullies tend to exploit those who show obvious signs that they'll get worked up and pissed off by their actions. Show him you don't care and he'll give up, though you have to consistently do that. Just remember to not punch him in the face because while you could probably beat his ass, it won't help the situation much. Best of luck man and remember that you're definitely a cool person!


Well-known member
Hey, the kid sounds like a real asshole. Take your parents advice, ignore him and ignore those other idiots! It might not work at first, but when they realize that you're not having it, they'll move on and pick on someone else to bully. Don't be scared of them, it's not worth it. (if you feel strong enough, i'd also smack him when the opportunity arises, nothing establishes you more efficiently than physical strength ;) But if this is not your style, ignoring will work given enough time )


Well-known member
Smack him. Seriously, some kids only understand one thing, and that's force. Eventually, you're going to have to communicate to him that if he continues harassing you, there will be painful consequences.

I was routinely bullied at school by one kid in particular. He was like the energizer bunny of emotional torment and everyday was a nightmare. One day, I'd had enough, and I just hit him square in the face with a heavy text book. I didn't stop to think about it beforehand, nor did I spend time pondering the consequences. I just did it. He collapsed, his nose gushing blood and started crying. And he never bothered me again after that. Actually, he avoided me completely, which was great.

I spent a lot of time in detention for that incident though, and my parents were called in to discuss my "inappropriately aggressive behaviour" so be prepared for the repercussions.


Well-known member
What would be the point of fighting him? Solving problems with aggression is more stressful than sarcastically rebutting his remarks or making fun of him...and it's not as fun.


Fighting is only going to get you in trouble, and as i understand it trouble is what you're trying to avoid. Apparently you already look like the problem in class, so I wouldn't escalate that with a fight if I were you...yet. You need to have a serious talk with your teacher after class about this little bastard. Tell her that she needs to do her job and control her classroom, because you're being harassed daily and you're going not going to take it anymore. If she doesn't take care of the problem, you need to talk to the assistant principle about this problem. If the problem continues after that, you really have no choice but to knock him the hell out. Good luck.



Well-known member
What would be the point of fighting him? Solving problems with aggression is more stressful than sarcastically rebutting his remarks or making fun of him...and it's not as fun.

Curtis sounds like a drooling mongoloid. I doubt he'd understand sarcasm if it sodomized him with a chainsaw. Sometimes you just have to smack someone. Physical pain is the only language they understand, and they thrive on perceived weakness. Sure, you might get into trouble, but as long as you don't make a habit of it, it's really not an issue... at least, that's been my experience.


Well-known member
Curtis sounds like a drooling mongoloid. I doubt he'd understand sarcasm if it sodomized him with a chainsaw. Sometimes you just have to smack someone. Physical pain is the only language they understand, and they thrive on perceived weakness. Sure, you might get into trouble, but as long as you don't make a habit of it, it's really not an issue... at least, that's been my experience.

wtf, that's one hell of a connection, sarcasm sodomizing someone with a chainsaw. He's doesn't necessarily have to be witty about it just as long as he can turn the tables on him and make him into a joke. Most of the class is probably going with the flow anyways so he might get other people to laugh too.

Maybe so, though making fun of him might be the only way he's gonna get the last laugh since it seems like the teacher is slanted towards this Curtis guy and fighting him at least on campus would only antagonize him even further and making the Curtis kid look like the victim which he isn't. If you have to fight at least do it off school grounds so it's fair game, though if he has a posse, make sure you bring support.


Buy some pepper spray and if he hits you then spray him. Otherwise, ignore the moron and focus on your work.


Well-known member
So he's putting himself in a potentially embarrassing situation by getting his friends to watch while he puts you down? This is something you can use. Does it ever occur to you - after the event - to say something really clever in answer to things he says? I suspect it does once in a while. The trick is to begin to harness that.

At times like this my grandfather used to say to my mum, 'bide your time'. That is what you must do. Just watch the situation, and wait. If he does anything you don't like again, just relax - don't let it bother you - and sooner or later one of those blinding flashes of insight will occur at the right time.

Say it, relish watching him reel in the aftermath (right in front of his friends!) and move on.

This sounds like a difficult thing to do, as inspiration tends to come late, but if you learn to harness this, then it begins to get very useful indeed! This is one of the best times for you to learn this: he's bullying, but not physically hurting you. The time you spend practicing and not being able to come up with anything simply lulls him into a false sense of security and, effectively, draws him in closer for when you do strike.

Few things cut like a well-aimed putdown. And he'll have no way to defend himself without blowing his cover.


Well-known member
i'm with you perfdion and sataine
dickheads like this won't learn until you confront them, ignoring will never work in that ammount of time your in the same place as he is, it will take a long time for him to not be bothered and move on
so, you must confront him, start verbally, just start asking basic questions of why he is doing this, and wait for answer then till him to stop, if he ignors wait
the next time he does anything pysical to get your attention or comes close to start bullying, look him in the eye and get serious and say, i warned you not to do that(however you would say it), and strike however you can. they will not be expecting this as they think your a pussy, so this will be to your advantage. it may be hard to even confront them, but you must


Well-known member
i'm with you perfdion and sataine
dickheads like this won't learn until you confront them, ignoring will never work in that ammount of time your in the same place as he is, it will take a long time for him to not be bothered and move on
so, you must confront him, start verbally, just start asking basic questions of why he is doing this, and wait for answer then till him to stop, if he ignors wait
the next time he does anything pysical to get your attention or comes close to start bullying, look him in the eye and get serious and say, i warned you not to do that(however you would say it), and strike however you can. they will not be expecting this as they think your a pussy, so this will be to your advantage. it may be hard to even confront them, but you must

What's the point? Why should he become immature on the same level as the bully? It seems really easy to just violently solve things, but he'll get the last laugh in the end because he'll be the victim and that kid doesn't deserve to be with how he's treated the OP.


IDIOTS!! (sorry for SalemEdgerton1 you actaully had a good say)

curtis is just targeting you because you react, a common mistake that people make when people say "ignore them" they dont actually mean pretend he is not there.

act normal, be cool, just be you self, dont hold a grudge because that usually involves you getting him back then he will get you back worse.

and it will go on and on and on

your playing the victim, dont it makes you seem a target to everyone. i know its hard as hell being laughed at cause a kids bothering you and you find actually serious.

here is what you do (i hope this helps/works because it did for me) go along with everything he does, if he wants you attention, give it to him just say hi or look up, just act like its the first time meeting him, ask if we'r/you'r cool and just go along, as for the rubbing you leg, go a step further on him "hey sexy?". one he realises your not a victim anymore he will probably stop.

if you dont mind im going to point out every mistake you made.

when he rubbed you leg, go along with it, "hey sexy?" with usually do it (be careful as saying that can back fire(as i said before).

when he asked if your a smart kid you should of say "no" in a joking tone

he distracts you because he thinkgs you upyourself, because im betting you say yes about being smart.

now when he wacked you that caused all you problems... what did you do after that? walk away?, never seem weak like that, pretend to go hit him, or hit him back with a cap or similar, i just prefer a firm shove on the back or on the chest (manly huh?)

as for the story thing what you pretty much said in was BULLY ME AM I AM WEAK AND HELPLESS AND CANT SOLVE MY OWN PROBLEMS! (im not screaming that i mearly showing how much you class mates see it.)

and thats pretty much it. you have to show him no more next time he does something go with it or just dont let him ge t away with it, like stealing something of yours or hitting you, note he will probably get you back almost straight away, but u have to show you will fight if you have to.


Well-known member
Laugh at what he does and try and act like he's actually funny - say thanks - if he still persists I say smack him one right in the face... the truth is you may get into trouble but at least the staff will be aware that there is an issue and might actually give the jackass kid a telling off for causing you, someone I guess to be kinda quiet and what not, to resort to violence.


by god......SammyT that pretty much everything i said in my long and almost not even understandable speech compacted down.

my only suggestion is, make sure that the blow counts, the nose would do, but you cant miss and you cant strike in anger because you may/may not look very....."good" kinda like he made you go over the edge, and dont kick in balls, no honour and it may be hard to get a good shot in, if you miss, you screwed


Well-known member
by god......SammyT that pretty much everything i said in my long and almost not even understandable speech compacted down.

my only suggestion is, make sure that the blow counts, the nose would do, but you cant miss and you cant strike in anger because you may/may not look very....."good" kinda like he made you go over the edge, and dont kick in balls, no honour and it may be hard to get a good shot in, if you miss, you screwed

LOL nezul!

Yeah make sure the blow counts, stomach can be a good one cause if you wind them then they are probably gonna be out of it for a bit - how old is this guy? Perhaps you can make him cry that would be a laugh to see ::p: