Why do I push people away in relationships???


New member
Basically, I had a really fucked up childhood. I was adopted -twice. The second time, I never felt wanted and it was made clear to me that I was more of a burden. In high school, I was not "popular" but I had some friends. In college, however, everything changed. I became very social, I joined a fraternity, and became very popular. I eventually worked at a bar, and had a lot of friends. I "dated" gorgeous girls and had lots of sex.

The problem, however, started in college. Whenever I start seeing someone, I can fall "hard and fast." Usually within a couple of weeks I have gone from thinking that this person was great -to totally avoiding them. This often occurs, right after we've had sex!

Now that I am out of college, it hasn't changed. This is really starting to worry me because I am 25 and I have no desire to maintain any kind of relationship. I have had only ONE girlfriend where we were in love, and I really wanted to be with. After she screwed me over the thought of having another girlfriend, to me, is impossible.

Recently, I was dating a pharmacist. She was fun, and down to earth. All of my friends loved her! However, after a month has gone by I am avoiding even seeing her!

What is wrong with me?


Well-known member
Could it be you are subconsciously scared of getting close to someone and push them away before they can reject you??


Well-known member
You may be afraid to get hurt so you break up with them first. After the first girlfriend "screwed you over" may have sent signals in your mind that all girls may do that. I really hope that you realize that not all girls are the same. Maybe you just haven't met the right girl but if she comes along, things will change for you.