what happens when you cry too much?


Well-known member
what happens when you cry too much? I cry every night and i'm afraid that i can develope cancer or something... not to sound silly :cry:


Well-known member
I sure hope you can't develop cancer from crying too much! 8O
I'm sure nothing can happen from crying a lot, otherwise I'd be dead by now...


Well-known member
I don't think you'll die from crying, I cried all the time for ten years and the only thing I had is a slight headache :?


Well-known member
yay said:
what happens when you cry too much? I cry every night and i'm afraid that i can develope cancer or something... not to sound silly :cry:

I have heard of people going blind from it. Although I can not confirm it to be so.


Well-known member
Your not silly at all to think this, but from what i've heard, cancer is stress related so i guess we got to stress less. I hope i aint seemin to negative or makin anyone feel to uneasy :( , but with cryin, i guess everyone has their own little symptoms and such, i know when i cry i tend to go very very red in the face, lose my ability to speak, and get a very very sore throat, not like a cold, just a sore throat.


Well-known member
you drown.

:p ...well..you might drown in your own puddle. . CRYING is a stress reliever...so cry. Why on earth would you get cancer from crying??? If you cry many many times ...think about why you respond to your personal sadness/greif..with crying. Got an idea :idea: ..why not take control of your problems...stop crying and look and think of solutions to help yourself? In the end, crying will just make you more tired and emotionally worn out...so why not excercise the stress away and talk to somebody who can offer good advice....there always is somebody good to talk about your problems..ALWAYS..you just have to stop crying..dry your eyes and seek out that person. ''THINK OF THE SOLUTION AND NOT THE PROBLEM''.


Well-known member
i farted while peeing..could it be cancer???

I was once told by my grandpa that you should not hold back on any farts you got brewing inside of you. He told me of a young man in his town of BULLSHIVITZ that was found unconcious by the local morons, i mean townsfolk, with a huge brownish-burnt hole in the seat of his pants...and he was missing his ears. The man was about 25 and had never farted, but one day he got the hiccups and i guess it agitated his poop-shute and he blew enough wind to sail the titanic around the world 18 times. OH, about his missing ears..they just fell off from some of the back pressure . At least he didnt develope cancer of the butt crack. Then grandma told me the story of ''regina-loose lips vagina'', but i got tired of grandma and told her to shutup while i nailed her coffin lid shut.


Well-known member
hopefully by the time i get cancer one of you will have invented a cure for it... i swear if you don't get one kind of cancer, you'll get another.