Youtube vloggers


I used to watch a vlogger who was 30-something male with a thick Slavic accent, although I can't remember his name or url anymore. If anyone knows who I am talking about, please post it.
yeah, i think is was probably the day that i found this site that i also discovered some SA youtubers. there was this one really cute girl but I can't remember her name. i have mixed feelings about the people who do that sort of's not exactly a safe environment when it comes to putting yourself out there like that. i think if those vlogs were on a site like this it would make a lot more's kind of ironic considering some of the most watched videos have been essentially making fun of someone (grape lady) seems to me that it wouldn't be the best thing for someone with SA to do - BUT, if it helps some of the people watching or if it doesn't make the vlogger feel like crap about themselves, more power to them.


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They are also my favourites along with BulletProofMonkeon.
I really admire them for going on video talking about SA.
I'm going off on a tangent here, but have you seen any of the you tube vids from LifeBliss Foundation?