Your worst day of the week


Well-known member
My worst day of the week is Sunday.

Even though its a day off for me, I find it very hard to enjoy the day. I always start worrying in advance of what the week at work might hold for me. The thought of having to put my mind and body through another 5 days of anxiety ridden experiences drains what life I have in me. The thought of telling them where to stick their job is ever present. In fact, I just want to run away from everything.

What's your worst day of the week?


Well-known member
Sunday too, for the same reasons you mentioned..
Especially Sunday night. I can never sleep.


Well-known member
Saturday. People are home all day and I get no time to myself. Younger brothers have friends over and that reminds me how pathetic I am having no friends and still living at home. My father might come over too and I'm always uncomfortable with him around.


Well-known member
i have to say wednesday, it's the most social day at school (lots of "fun" classes where really nobody does anything they just talk) plus it's the middle of the week. :x