Your temporary anxiety treatments


Well-known member
What are your temporary anxiety treatments? Things you do or tell yourself in order to get rid of your anxiety for a few minutes or a few hours until the anxiety inducing event is over...

I have a major (and when I say major...I mean MAJOR) event tomorrow evening and I'm terrified! Just like the last time this happened. :( Can't sleep, can't eat, feel like puking, feel tired...I can't and don't want to avoid this situation, but I hate the anxiety it causes me until it's over.

So, what are some things you do/say? Oddly, repeating something as simple as 'if it's not working...change it' does wonders for me. Even if just for a few seconds! Worrying is getting you nowhere. So, why do it? I then relax until my mind is occupied with worrying thoughts again.

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For times like this I try to ~
*Delay worrying until the event happens
*Breathe deeply
*Remember that the event will be a thing in the past before long
*Allow time to recover from it
*Not berate myself perceived failings at the event