Your probably going to here a lot from me.


Hello SPW,

I'm a bit of a weirdo, in truth I am probably totally insane. Then again because I know that I am insane doesn't that make me sane? At least sane enough to know what is and isn't normal. I don't know, and thats only one of my problems right now.

I suppose I'll get more into that in another post. This is my intro after all. Lets see, I am 19 and am at the end of my rope. I've come here in hopes of advice, although I doubt anyone will be able to understand what I have to say. I like to talk in riddles of sorts. So assume everything I say has at least two meanings, and if you don't understand something its probably because its so personal I really didn't want to talk about it even if It means losing hold on myself.

Really Being nice to me is what will keep me around, Its the Internet so I know people will be mean just because I ask them to be nice. But I don't take insults very well. To many and I just unplug my computer and don't get online again for a long time.

Anyway I am rambling, I really do need some advice and even one useful post might be enough to get me thinking. So don't be shy about posting anything to me. Running the same things through my head in circles is only making things worse. I need a couple more peoples inputs to toss around in there so I don't end up doing stupid things again.
PathWatcher said:
I need a couple more peoples inputs to toss around in there so I don't end up doing stupid things again.

Hi PathWatcher, Welcome to SPW! This insane world makes me feel crazy sometimes too. If there's one piece of advice I could give you, it would be to look into Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). With ACT we can have crazy thoughts, feelings, etc. and still be able to function successfully. There's a good ACT self-help workbook called Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life by Dr. Steven C Hayes (amazon has excerpts). Anyway, try to develop a thicker skin while here, it'll probably help in the real world too.


Well-known member
Welcome man. I'm also going a bit insane (you can just check my first post to watch the insanity). We all have something in common here so don't worry about people not accepting you or something.