your opinions on bullying


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Hey, I’m Christine Saadeh and I am currently in year 12 studying community and family studies. At the moment I am conducting an IRP (Independent Research Project) in the topic bullying and how is the self-esteem and well-being of school children from the years 7 to 12 affected by bullying?
Bullying means harassing or harming (verbally or physically) another student without provocation.

If you could please fill out the survey below to help me with my study it will be much appreciated.
Thank you for your time 

Name (optional):__________ Age:______ School year:_____


1. On a scale of 1 to 4, how big of a problem do you think bullying is at your school? (1 is small problem, 4 is big problem)

1 2 3 4

2. Have you ever personally been bullied by another student?
__ Yes
__ No

3. On what basis have you been bullied or seen other students bullied at your school? (Tick all that apply)

___ The way a person looks or dresses
___ The friends a person hangs out with
___ Race
___ Sexual orientation
___ Other _________________________

4. How often do you experience bullying?

Always____ sometimes____ Never___

5. How often do you see bulling in your school?

6. Are you a bully at school? Do you enjoy bullying others?

7. Have you ever missed school because you are being bullied?

8. What do you think of bullying?

9. Have you ever talked with anyone about you being bullied? If yes, which persons?

10. How much does school bullying upset you?

11. Does being bullied affect your self esteem and wellbeing? How?

12. What was the reason you were bullied or bullied others?

13. How strong do you think our school's sense of community (all students are included and involved) is? (1 means very weak, 4 means very strong)

1 2 3 4

14. What do you think our school could do to decrease bullying and build a stronger sense of community?

15. Do you have any other comments about your experiences of bulling?