Your Favouriote fast food..?!


Well-known member
I've just ordered the biggest fattest hugest Chinese take away.. I ordered Prawn Crackers, Chicken Satay, 2 Chicken fried rice (large), Chicken curry, Dry Shredded Beef, Crispy Seaweed & a bottle of Dr Pepper.. all for myself..

What's your favourite take out..??


Well-known member
haoly shit! 8O
did you stick up a chinese restaurant or sumthin? Is it even possible for you to fit this in you?
I love chinese food for sure, but my favorite has to be a big fat greasy arteriosclerosis givin box of KFC. mm mm mm.
(I used to work at KFC and got fired for stealing chicken - I aint ashamed)


Well-known member
I fucking hate KFC with a passion.. There is hardly ever any meat on their Chicken & their Fries are no where near as good as McDonalds.
I like my take-away food, Homer style & that means big..

Not all of this Chinese Take-away is for me, i'm gonna leave some for my Bitch, but if she doesn't wake-up soon, the food is History.


Well-known member
Silvio said:
I fucking hate KFC with a passion.. There is hardly ever any meat on their Chicken & their Fries are no where near as good as McDonalds.
I like my take-away food, Homer style & that means big..

Not all of this Chinese Take-away is for me, i'm gonna leave some for my Bitch, but if she doesn't wake-up soon, the food is History.
no way is Maccy'Dees better than KFC ! How did you arrive at that estimation?
**takes a bite & drools oil
KFC has got the fast food world on lockdown.
what has Maccys got? Nuthin is the answer nuthin except copying other fast food places!
hell yeah! lets lookit their chicken burger - they took that offa KFC!
KFC dont need to go down the beef road - why? coz they got the "Secret recipe"


Well-known member
I agree with you.. McDonalds cook up some real turds & label them as burgers, but their fries are a whole lot better than KFC's.


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Well-known member
My favourite fast food is......

definitely not KFC!

A few weeks ago, I had a meal there for the first time in a few years. All I can say is that the fries were pale and soggy, and the chicken was greasy, gritty and salty. :evil:

I won't be going back there in a hurry......


Well-known member
IceLad said:
My favourite fast food is......

definitely not KFC!

A few weeks ago, I had a meal there for the first time in a few years. All I can say is that the fries were pale and soggy, and the chicken was greasy, gritty and salty. :evil:

I won't be going back there in a hurry......


The last time i went there i wasgiven some sorry-ass piece of chicken that had less meat on it than a toothpick.. I felt like turning the cr round & beating the living shit outta the retarded mannequin who served me..

I will definatly be in no rush to go back there to eat.
They have clean toilets though..!


Well-known member
Silvio said:
IceLad said:
My favourite fast food is......

definitely not KFC!

A few weeks ago, I had a meal there for the first time in a few years. All I can say is that the fries were pale and soggy, and the chicken was greasy, gritty and salty. :evil:

I won't be going back there in a hurry......


The last time i went there i wasgiven some sorry-ass piece of chicken that had less meat on it than a toothpick.. I felt like turning the cr round & beating the living shit outta the retarded mannequin who served me..

I will definatly be in no rush to go back there to eat.
They have clean toilets though..!

Neither IceLad nor Silvio know what they are talkin about :p
KFC is AWESOME. If KFC did not exist we would be in a world of hurt.


Well-known member
I don't know......I really hate Hungry Jacks though, its always burnt and dried out, and they "forget" to put things in the bag thinking you won't notice until you get home.....I NOTICE!!!! :twisted:


Well-known member
I've just ordered Half a Peking Duck with Pancakes & Hoi sin sauce, absolutely delicious..
If i was on Death Row that would be my final meal before execution.. That or Lobster.


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nesh said:
I like McD's, hate KFC's, but you can't beat a Donner Kebab & Chips.

mmmm... Kebab.. I love Kebabs, especially a Chicken shish drowned in Chilli sauce with loads of pickles.!!


a sandwich with tomato, cheese and green pepper..i usually make it myself before going to's so delicious that i can't help making it again :lol: warning: i don't advise you to eat before sleeping since it makes you fat, you know :lol: