YAY!! I pity the bastard


Well-known member
Good for you!! yeah, some guys are just not worth it at all. If he doesn't really love you, then why worry or care about him? you'll find another guy who's better to you than your ex.

Kind of what I'm trying to do. If this guy I like doesn't like me back, then why should I worry about him?


Well-known member
Good job. I had the same thing as you but to a lesser degree. What I learned is if someone is vague AT ALL about if they love you are not they AREN'T. I MUST SAY THIS AGAIN! IF SOMEONE IS VAGUE ABOUT THE WAY THEY FEEL ABOUT YOU THEN THEY AREN'T IN LOVE WITH YOU! Its very hard to be objective when you are blinded by this so called love(more like infatuation most of the time) that we don't follow this simple logic but it is true every time.


Well-known member
Sweet FREEDOM!!! Congratulations - what you describe is hard to go through and hard to accomplish - but you have done both! And now you know you can do it again if you ever have to! WAY TO GO!!!!


Well-known member
Emma said:
Yay for me!!!!
I haven't thought about or contacted my stupid ex-boyfriend for a whole month!!!!
I used to think I would never get over him but now I realise what nasty little bastard he is, I can't believe I ever cried over him.

And I even deleted him from msn messanger and got rid of his number from my phone!!!!
I used to go on about how much I loved him and I could never be with anyone else, but now I feel nothing but pity for him, he's obviously a very sad nasty little person.

I didn't even cry when he made threats about calling the police on me because I wont do what he wants.

YAY!!! :D :D :D
hey Emma..sounds like you're getting stronger..and standing up for yourself, good for you :!:


Well-known member
Wanna go out with me now? I really like breasts, so, as long as you are female, we'll get along great. Just PM me and I'll give you my digits.