Xanax withdrawals...


Sometimes I run low on my xanax by the time I can get a refill and end up taking half of what I'm supposed to (half is 3mg/day, supposed to take 6mg/day) for a week or so at the end of the monthly cycle. I know there's a reason they say to take so many per day so don't flame about that cuz it has only happened a few times in like two n 1/2 years. The withdrawals are so bad though... I've been through withdrawals with other substances and nothing compares to Xanax, only because it last forever. Long term users could experience withdrawals for several months to a year or more after long term use. It's too bad I didn't know this until 2 and 1/2 years after getting my first prescription for them, because I probably wouldn't have started taking them. I've quit cold turkey off of some hard drugs and the physical symptoms like sweating and feeling like shit never lasted more than 5 days max. The doc says it would take about a year to ween me off of 6mg/day and not feel like garrbage while doing it. I think these things are way over-prescribed... ****in doctor didn't even tell me what I was getting into. I knew it was bad but a year of feeling like I did the few times I've run short seems hardly worth getting off em now...



Well-known member
6mg will be very hard to get off of. This is why I research any chemical I put into my body.

I was on 4mg Klonopin for 2 years and I successfully got off it. It was hell on both my mind and body. I knew the risks beforehand however so I was prepared for how bad it would be.

Xanax would be even harder than Klonopin to wean off of but it is possible. To maximize success you should switch to a long acting benzo like Valium or Klonopin. IMO 6mg Xanax= 6mg Klonopin= 60mg Valium

So tell your doc you want to wean off by switching to a long acting benzo and he should know what to do.


Well-known member
Ive had to go through this too , i got off 4mg a day klonopin about 7 years ago and it was the toughest thing ive done in my life. Im nowon 1.5mg of klonopin today because i tried going without nothing for 7 years and it just didn't work out because i have too much SA. Yeah at the end of the month i run kinda low sometimes but luckily the pharmacy will let you get a new script 4 days earlier than the 30 day precripition last. All i can say is take as least as possible of that stuff , the less the better in the long run.


I take my benzos as needed instead of everyday so I dont have to worry about withdrawals.