xanax in the uk ?


Hi All,

I live in the UK and have suffered from Social Anxiety for over 10 years now.
I get anxious in situations that involve social eating especially with groups of friends, work colleagues etc.

I find that it stops me doing things that i really want to do like visit friends and date.
I am 37 and it has been years since i have dated mainly becuase i stress about the social eating aspect.
I have had counselling and been prescribed Citalopram, both of which did not really have any effect.

However, back in March I had a weekend away with friends at Center Parcs which I really wanted to attend.
A kind soul on here gave me a couple of Xanax tablets to try, to see if they would help suppress the anxiety.
I took a quarter tablet and found that they worked really well for me. They did my confidence the world of good, so much so that i went the whole weekend without needing to take another.

I know that they can become addictive, but in the past 8 months since March, i have only used the Xanax on 2 more occasions and then only when i need to.

Now i want to try and order some online to be delivered to the UK. I feel that one supply would set me up for a long long while and give me the confidence to start dating and get my life back on track.
I was given contact details for a guy in Thailand who could supply me.

My problem is that i am concerned that the goods may be stopped by Customs. This would not be good for me because i work in a VAT office and Customs & Excise are my employers.
I do not know what would happen but i dont to get into trouble or have my address/ contact details sitting on a computer somewhere.
I could use a family members address but do not want to put them in a position where they would feel awkward having to no.

I did for a while think about paying for a PO Box number and getting them delivered there, but that would be quite expensive.

My question is, does anyone know of a European supplier of Xanax or any outlet in the UK ?
I feel that would be a safer option for me.

If anyone has any contact information, or has some Xanax that they do not use for whatever reason that i could buy, please drop me a IM or a mail.

In fact, i would appreciate any comments, ideas or help for my predicament

many thanks


Hi saints in the U.K.

Why don´t you ask for a prescription in the UK? It should not be too hard to get one and Xanax is not very expensive. They may even be cheaper if made by someone else. The name could be e.g. Alprazolam, which is the contents of Xanax.


Well-known member
hi,i know how u feel,i tried a benzo it was gr8 but doc refused 2 prescribe me ne more,i tried ordering from abroad but it did get stopped at customs,they dont contact u or ne thing luckily!!and i got my money bac but its worth a try