xanax and alcohol

OK so i have been researching and it seems like a lot of you are on xanax and you just POP a pill or two before a high anxiety event.....im thinking about asking my doctor for a prescription....but what is the feeling like? is it like a relaxing effect kind of how alcohol is? is it basically like a pill that makes you drunk? lol i drink a lot to cope with my anxieties and it would be great if i could just pop a pill or two instead of running to the liquor store every day.


Well-known member
Xanax is quite good. It takes 1 hour to work, and yes it is similar to alcohol. Xanax is a better option than alcohol to cope with anxiety but be careful it is addictive.


No, they are not the same.

I was just like you, and loved alcohol for conquering anxiety..specifically social anxiety, so I wanted a benzo to try and do the same. They don't, for me at least.

Whereas a few drinks will make you talkative, outgoing, and carefree, a few xanax will make you slow, tired, carefree, and make you want to go to bed.

I take a benzo about once a week, on average, and 1 mg of xanax does next to nothing for me. A few drinks will make me a social animal.

Everyone reacts differently, and I've heard of people having much better experiences with benzos. Personally though, they just make me not care about what is going on, and make me want to sleep. The amnesia is worse than alcohol too.