wtfs the point?


Active member
whats the point of life when you suffer everyday ? its not worth it living everyday like this,,i hate life i hate people i hate the world and i no longer belive in god ,,today i rasied both my middle fingers up to the sky to tell god what i think of him,,a big FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
dont give up though...I know life sucks right now. I think this like every other day. If youre having trouble finding hope, do something that makes YOU happy. Find something. Music, a movie, a walk outside. Little things helped me. Then when I built up enough strength you will eventually be able to do something you couldnt have before. You will make your little break throughs. And those little break throughs will show you hope. Show you the light at the end of the tunnel. Youre still going to pass over rough parts. TRUST ME on this one! But just as it took time building up to your anxiety, its going to take time recovering from it. DONT LOOSE HOPE!!! I have faith you can recover


Active member
ya your right,,im just having a hard time getting over my ex gf who dumped me cause i couldnt even hold down a job,,she was my world and my best friend my only friend i dated her for 4 and a half years this is the 3rd time shes dumped me,she finally couldnt take it anymore she wants to move on with her life and lead a normal life with a normal bf,,im so frustrated and mad at myself and the world right now ,,i hate myself ,i wish i could be normal,im just so depressed and angry ,,i miss her so much id do anything to hold her one last time,sad has already taken so much from me and then it takes away the thing that i cared about the most in my life,,im so lonely,im mad at myself for not holding those jobs down and sucking it up,i know im not the only person whos gone threw this or feels like this ,,im just so fuckin frustrated i cant take it anymore


Well-known member
I also believe in god, and usually believing in god gives you somebody to blame for all your woes in life, somebody on whom you can displace all your responsibility on, somebody who you expect to fulfill all of your wishes.

It is little wonder that those who believe in such a god are left disappointed and disenchanted. Just put some perspective on this, you have lost a girlfriend, but so what there are more fish in the sea and who knows maybe this has happened for some better good sometime in your life. But think about those of us who have lost our most loved ones - like parents, siblings - to some tragedy. If god had to choose to grant a personal favour to either you or them, who do you think he should choose?

There are more than 6 billion people on this planet, all of them have to go through many painful episodes in their lives. If God started giving them all personal favours, we would no longer have any challenges in our lives, it would be too easy, and again we would be asking "What is the point"

Pain and suffering is a fact of life, what you've gone through is trivial compared to what others are going through everyday. This means either god doesn't exist, or the god that many believe in does not exist.

You need to take charge of your own life, make your own decisions, take your own actions and accept responsibility for your actions. Nothing is lost, you've only lost a girlfriend, there are some people who have lost far more worse and still go on with their lives and can lead happy and fulfilling lives.

So can you, all you need to do is find out what you want from life; just sit down with a note pad in front of you and write down what you want from life, set your long term goals, and then set your short term goals and then write down what can you use to get them. That will be the point of your life. Life can be as interesting and dynamic as you want it. You only need to realise you have a choice.


Well-known member
Hauntedhead said:
ya your right,,im just having a hard time getting over my ex gf who dumped me cause i couldnt even hold down a job,,she was my world and my best friend my only friend i dated her for 4 and a half years this is the 3rd time shes dumped me,she finally couldnt take it anymore she wants to move on with her life and lead a normal life with a normal bf,,im so frustrated and mad at myself and the world right now ,,i hate myself ,i wish i could be normal,im just so depressed and angry ,,i miss her so much id do anything to hold her one last time,sad has already taken so much from me and then it takes away the thing that i cared about the most in my life,,im so lonely,im mad at myself for not holding those jobs down and sucking it up,i know im not the only person whos gone threw this or feels like this ,,im just so fuckin frustrated i cant take it anymore

Yea it must really hurt for you :cry: but thing like this happen.You can't do anything about and I know it sound hard but you are going to have to move on.It's fresh right know but it will feel less bad as time goes on.Find stuff to do to keep your mind off of it.Anything will do.I empathize with you but just hang in there man.

I hope that you fell better soon :D


Active member
Hey guys i really appreciate your responses and your advice. Its nice to talk to people who understand the pain of sad because not many people truley understand what we all go threw. Thanks for the advice and im gonna set some goals for myself and try and look at what i do have instead of what i dont have, cause like you said things could be much worse , i was having a ruff day and needed to vent and i apoligise if i went a bit overboard or if i offended anyone. But once again thanks for your advice and concern and if anyone on this board ever needs to talk always feel free to message me at anytime.


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
hey dont apologise...we all have rough having a very bad day (again) walked out of college (again) lol i just...dont know how to live the rest of my life like this..try this try that think im getting somewhere and then find myself crying in bed with my nelephant....i dont understand how im supposed to live this way....i dont know what the point is...but hey at least its not bone-cancer i suppose. *sigh* sometimes even that isnt much of a consolation huh? :?

I know it really isn't too much of a consolation to say that others have it worse, but what that does, it gives you some perspective and you can appreciate just what you have going for you.

Just walk outside, and look at those homeless people on the street. I did, the other day, and it was raining and I just saw this man sitting there on the pavement, trying to cover himself. He looked like he had barely ate, and it wouldn't surprise me. In other countries, where people have it much worse, children from a very tender age have to rough it out on empty stomaches and work for peanuts.

If I compare myself to these unfortunate souls, I am very lucky. I have food, drink, shelter, family, some friends, entertainment, a job. If have had an education and have some qualifications. I look okay, am reasonably fit and healthy and am quite intelligent. I am creative, I can sing well and I am articulate. There is a lot going for me and I am very thankful for it.

Likewise, look in your life and look for what is going for you at this moment in time. You might not think it is too much, but to somebody else it could be a lot.