I downloaded this off limewire its 16 tapes its a self help program. I know what ur thinking not another one I tried everything but please if you really really want to start fighting back against this horrible SA download or buy the tapes I dont care just get them. Thier not a cure but they will open a huge door for you. you will understand urself so much more and in turn help relive anxiety symtoms.People will even react differntly to you in a more positive way after you finish this program of tapes which should take about 15 weeks. Tape number 16 is a relaxation tape which is wonderfull as well. THE NAME OF THE PROGRAM IS LUCINDA BASSETT IM NOT TRYING TO SELL ANYTHING JUST HERE TO HELP SO IF U WANT DOWNLOAD IT FOR ALL I CARE I GOT MY DOWNLOAD OFF LIMEWIRE. U MIGHT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD EACH TAPE INDIVIDUALY THIERS 16 IN TOTALL UNLESS U CAN FIND THE ZIP FILE THAT HOLDS THEM ALL. THIER WELL WORTH IT AS IMPOSSIBLE AS IT SEEMS U WILL EVEN START TO BEIGN TO LOVE AND HAVE ALOT OF COMPASSION FOR URSELF.