WOW! this helped me and will help all of u i promise!!


I downloaded this off limewire its 16 tapes its a self help program. I know what ur thinking not another one I tried everything but please if you really really want to start fighting back against this horrible SA download or buy the tapes I dont care just get them. Thier not a cure but they will open a huge door for you. you will understand urself so much more and in turn help relive anxiety symtoms.People will even react differntly to you in a more positive way after you finish this program of tapes which should take about 15 weeks. Tape number 16 is a relaxation tape which is wonderfull as well. THE NAME OF THE PROGRAM IS LUCINDA BASSETT IM NOT TRYING TO SELL ANYTHING JUST HERE TO HELP SO IF U WANT DOWNLOAD IT FOR ALL I CARE I GOT MY DOWNLOAD OFF LIMEWIRE. U MIGHT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD EACH TAPE INDIVIDUALY THIERS 16 IN TOTALL UNLESS U CAN FIND THE ZIP FILE THAT HOLDS THEM ALL. THIER WELL WORTH IT AS IMPOSSIBLE AS IT SEEMS U WILL EVEN START TO BEIGN TO LOVE AND HAVE ALOT OF COMPASSION FOR URSELF.


corrections haha i hate that word but anyways when I say the program is called Lucinda bassett I mean thats the doctor on the tapes the name of the program im not positive because mine is a downloaded version and somone could have named it anything but i downloaded it as being called ATTACKING ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION.


Well-known member
I have those files on my computer...I started listening to the first 2 tapes but got put down because it's especially about anxiety attacks (that's what I concluded from the first 2 tapes) , do you suffer from anxiety attacks or did it help for your SAD? maybe I'll try them again...

and yeah it's called ATTACKING ANXIETY & DEPRESSION :)


New member

Would you be able to tell me where I can download these tapes please?! They sound intriguing!!


It looks like limewire has volume one and two on it...I just got them they're an hour long each is an hour long and pretty interesting......


Well-known member
yes I agree. Lucinda Bassett and her program definitely have a good understanding a nd method at overcoming anxiety.

but you guys reffer to "limewire"?

A website would be helpful to know where to go to download them.

Another really helpful website is the Midwest Center (also run by her) Look at the testimonials and Lucinda's story. It's definitely not a "cure" but a relief to hear peoples success stories.


Well-known member
I ordered these from an informercial about 3 years ago, its 15 tapes 1 a week and a workbook to do excercises. Im not going to say it doesnt work, but I think its more for people that never new what anxiety and panic attacks were. She explains everything in detail very good if your new to anxiety and didnt know what was happening. I think Sa is completely different and requires a different approach.