Would love some input on my situation.


I have had hyperhidrosis for nearly 3 years now. I am 19 years old and have been continually told by my brother who does not have the problem, that it's hormones.

I can safely say that is not the case considering the circumstances I've been through and the severity of the sweating.

Areas of sweating and how I feel:
Every time before the sweating begins, I will get a hot/cold feeling in the area where it is going to happen and my skin along that area will get incredibly hot and begin to moisten. *gag.. couldn't think of a better word.* It is extremely uncomfortable and given the areas do this, My lower back, bottom, between my legs, thighs, and calves, it is a hellish experience. Every time I go out, I am afraid that I will sweat through my pants and have a wet spot on my backside... Which has never happened in public, but I get near that point and it is only a matter of time before it does.

Ok enough of that x.x, let me just say this, I am in good shape, I do workout nearly every day.. *At my house because I sweat so severely on my lower half it would be impossible for me to do it at a gym* as well as eat healthy.

Unfortunately, there are so many different types of things that trigger my hyperhidrosis, it drives me nuts, talking to one of my parents who disagrees with me over a stupid matter will instantly make my back get that hot feeling. Writing this post even made me get this way because it is so embarrassing for me.

Recently, my palms have begun to get a slight cold sweat going on, as well as my left foot.

I have talked to a dermatologist regarding all this, but was only prescribed robinol forte which didn't do anything. I returned to my doctor after that and was prescribed anxiety medication as well as depression medication, but they both didn't work either.

As I said before, the circumstances I have really opened the door to a wide range of things that could be causing this. I was homeschooled during half of my high school career due to a stomach illness which led me to believe it could have been anxiety from when I returned, but that wasn't the case.

I have horribly shaky hands and dilated pupils but that wasn't anxiety apparently.... My mother was diagnosed with Graves disease before I was born which had almost killed her. And she fears that I may have it, but I just had bloodwork done and the test came up negative. My thyroid has also been checked and there isn't a problem with it either.

I apologize for the extremely long post, but seriously I don't know what to do. The way this has affected me socially from always going out to rarely and scared when I do, is horrible.

I go to college in the Fall and I am going to die if this isn't at least lessened before then.

-Sad little boy

Would also like to add that although skeptical at first, my mother fully understands my situation and has tried to help countlessly.


Active member

I know how embarrasing it can be. I mainly sweat on my hands and feet. If I drink any thing with caffeine I sweat more,I then sweat on my legs and butt since I quit drinking caffeine I don't sweat on my butt and legs any more but my hands and feet still sweat as much. Also try taking zinc and vitamin B12.I use Hydrosal on my hands and feet it is a gel so it doesn't bother the skin like alcohol based products. It didn't work on my hands and feet until I had a dr. give me a prescription to up the aluminum chloride to 35% Now my hands and feet are dry and warm. Hope this helps!!


Thank you both for giving me an idea of how it has affected you.

In honesty, I rarely sweat on my palms and when I do it is so little it is not a problem.. I just thought it was strange that it had just started recently.

I tend to slide my pants a little lower when I sit down.. that way my shorts don't absorb anything until I stand up.. giving me a little time to escape if I get uncomfortable.

You both mentioned aluminum chloride... So I suppose I will ask about it... *Odd question... is it something safe to have in your groin area?* ugh groin is such a gross word..

anyway yea x.x

As I said before, this goes against how I used to be before it and it has been a big change for me...

I have one question though... The year that my hyperhidrosis began, was extremely traumatic for me... Is there any possibility that because of these three things, I developed something in my subconscious that my body uses the sympathetic sweating or whatever?

I mean one I refuse to share, but the other 2 was that I was in the hospital and I was given something I was allergic to in my IV and had a severe reaction. And later that year, my extremely close friend was killed. And as sick as it seems, I can't help but think that may be a contribution to how I feel now.

-Also.. I find this interesting.. When I lay down to go to sleep, I notice I won't have any hot/cold feelings even though I often turn off my air conditioner when I do as well as wrap myself in a blanket.


I was actually thinking about using those secure wipes as a starter, but drysol will be another path I will take after I realize the wipes won't work :p