Would anyone like to read a personal story book on OCD/ depression? --free


New member
Hello. I am a sufferer of OCD and major depressive disorder. Anyway I have recently combined my journal entries and thoughts into a short book. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading it. No charge of course, I am not advertising. Just looking for opinions from a few other people who suffer from the same things. Anyway if you would like to read it or are just kind enough to contribute to making it better just let me know and I will send you either an epub file or pdf, whichever you prefer. Subjects include being a child with OCD, rejection paranoia, fear of people dying, murderous obsessions, suicidal impulses among other things. Can chuck me an email at [email protected] if you wish or message me on here. Have a good day and thanks for taking the time to read my post.