Worst events/activities you have been pushed into?


Well-known member
My family trys to get me into things occasionally. I usually say no, because I am too scared of meeting new people and creating a bad impression.

One particular thing I got pushed into about a year ago was about a year ago. My uncle told me about this cricket club. I was fairly passionate and reasonably good at the sport, so I decided to give it a shot. Actually signing up was hell, so many awkard phone calls with a complete stranger. Then I had to mix with older, outgoing males. I just didn't feel confortable at all. I also felt my performances weren't impressing them at all. I thought they thought I was an idiot just for coming down.


Active member
i HATE some family events with a PASSION. they are SO BORING. i have consciously stopped going because i can't stand them. my family thinks i'm stuck up [about it], but i guess in some areas, i'll let people think what they want to think, i can't take it anymore [some of these social events.] with some of my friends, i just make up lame excuses, or i ignore the invitation. (?) if a group of people want to hang out, it's kind of hard/ rude, to point blank, say you're not interested, because that's like saying you're not interested in them. because some of my "acquaintances" just want to sit around and talk about dumb shit. i can't do that, i rather watch tv. if they were going to see a show/ movie, at least i can say i'm not interested in the movie. but they're just sitting around getting drinks/ food, talking. so if i say i'm not interested, that's like me saying i'm not interested in talking to you. [which is the truth.] lately, i have been talking/ meeting to some new people, and also enjoy being by myself, so that's a good thing. good luck. if you hate cricket, just don't go. if you're interested give it another shot, but by the sound of your post, sounds like you dislike it.


Well-known member
University. Stuck it out and finished in 2 and a half years from summer courses and all. I'm glad I succeeded, but it was a living nightmare every day.
Bar and bat mitzvahs of cousins were hell for me. They would sit me at a kids table away from my parents, with a bunch of kids who were already friends, so I usually would just sit there waiting for it to end.


Well-known member
I'm not really pushed into things that much. I usually choose to put myself in situations where I feel uncomfortable and hope they will help me. The year 6 leavers disco springs to mind though. My mom expected me to go and made me feel like I should go even though I knew it would be a disaster. I spent the evening sitting at the side of the hall on my own watching everybody else having fun. At the end, my class gathered in a circle to sway to My Heart Will Go On and cry because they were sad to be leaving. I couldn't wait to leave. I could have left already if it wasn't for the damn disco.


Well-known member
In 1999 I moved to a new city (a really depressing one at that) all because I was such a wimp and couldn't say no. :roll:

I was involved with a group of friends who I desparately wanted to impress. Why I wanted their approval is beyond me... they would leave me out of conversations, talk behind my back at every given moment and would quickly change the topic of conversation when I walked into the room.

It made me feel like crap, but for some reason like a kicked puppy I would keep going back to them to try and get their approval and full admittance into the group.

When one of them suggested I move in with another person in the group, I couldn't say no for fear of upsetting them....

The guy I moved in with turned out to be a psycopath who lied about me and made me feel even more self conscious than I already was. It ended badly with me ending all communication with them. I had to learn that I was better than all of them put together!

It was a horrible experience, but I guess I needed to go through it to learn to stand up for myself and not let people walk over me or take me for granted.