Worst anxiety now...


Well-known member
Over this weekend I was getting bad anxiety, and I also lost my cool for a minute and overreacted to something and punched my friend several times :( I feel terrible, because I have never done anything like that, and I don't know what I am turning into.

I also am pretty sure he told everyone about it, as he is better friends with most of my friends than I am, and they would believe him. He must have said really bad things, and now I think I have lost most of my friends, and I can't make new ones :(

Oh well, just 2 years left of college, right...it'll be even worse than the first two...


Well-known member
Oh wow thats really awfull, you really should try to get a hold of your friend and try to mend with him as soon as possible, before it gets too late. It would be easier if he got time to cool off but if you want to stop him from spreading the word about it...


Well-known member
he accidentally hit me in the eye, and i was furious, even though i heard him say oh my god i am sorry!

I just couldnt help it, maybe i just needed to get my anger out. my other friends in the room at the time all thought i way overreacted, as do my dad, my best friend, and my roommate.

I just feel like a shitty person, and maybe i don't deserve the friends or a girlfriend that i so crave daily....