Working from Home


New member
Hi all - I was wondering about some of the jobs you can do from home to help support yourself/family.

I found one job that I have been doing since Oct/06. My therapist (comes to my home 1x per week) thinks I seem to be much happier and although I still don't go out much - he thinks my stay at home job is helping me...Does anyone else work from home? Sometimes I wonder if this is isolating me even more but then again - least I'm keeping busy..
If anyone is interested in working from home you can contact me..but I would like to hear from others who also work from home.
Thanks.. :)


Well-known member
Hi rugrats!

I'm just curious as to what type of work from home that you do. It's kind of tough to find anything you can do from home without the risk of being scammed. So it's great that you've found something reliable like that.

I think that work from home should be a stepping stone for you, to get you out of depression (since your therapist has noted that you seem much happier now, it seems to be working :)), because with the financial independence comes confidence.

Perhaps (and hopefully) you will become motivated in time to later seek a more sociable occupation. It is also a nice crutch for you to lean on as you move out into the "real world" of work. But should not be by far your final solution to a career.

As for myself, I don't work at home, but I do dream of it sometimes. :lol:

- my 2 cents. :p


New member
I work for a Human Powered Search Engine called heard about it on Good Morning America (so I figured it was legit & it is!) We search the internet for all types of info - mostly for students or people who don't really know how to navigate the Internet. It's fun, I can work whenever I want 24/7. I chat with other guides in a chat room about our jobs and just about everything else!! It's a great job for me at this time in my life. My biggest problem is that family, neighbors, etc. think that just because I'm working from home - I can just drop everything to tend to their needs! It's a real job - but their just don't understand. And I also hear things like - why don't you get a REAL job, or I just need you for 1 minute, etc. But I'm getting good at saying NO!!