

Over the past year or so I've realized that I tend to bury myself in work in order to avoid social situations. Like, if someone asked me to go to a party where I didn't know anyone, I would say, "ohhh I have too much work to do tonight." Sometimes I just do work to avoid my mind from thinking that I'm lonely and I'm just busy or whatever.

Is this weird? I've always been a really shy person, ever since I was born and because of this, I often feel inadequate and think lowly of myself. I was always made fun of in high school because I could never stand up for myself and was always afraid of what other people thought of me. In college, it's gotten a tad better with my shyness, but it just channeled itself into other anxieties. I've turned into a perfectionist, a workaholic, and just have anxiety in general. Does anyone else have this problem?


That's true-I do often times tell myself that I'm not good enough so maybe if I work hard I will feel like I'm accepted, in my eyes and everyone else''s an ongoing battle because no matter how hard I work, there's still that emptyness that tells me that I'll never get there.