

Hello, Just logged on tonight and found this website and i need help. I get on fine with friends and my partner friends, but see when it comes to work i have problems. I have just started a new job as a secretary and i get on fine with the other secretaries, no problems with conversation, but see when it comes to the guys i work for i just cant think of anything to say. I just go blank and wish that they dont come near me so i dont have to speak. When i do say something, i just feel stupid. I feel i'm not interesting enough, but i dont know why i feel this way as i get on with the other secretaries no problem and can chat away. Our team have organised a lunch on Thursday and i am dreading it. There is only 7 of us so the table will be small, i just dont want to be sitting there like a complete loser and not able to join in the conversation. I have even been online trying to find "top ten conversations". I am getting myself in such a mess over it that if this wasnt a new job then i would make some excuse that i was ill that day. I really want to get over this and i have no clue how to. Its ruining a fantastic job with prospects! Does anyone have any advice? :oops:



i know what your saying. dont put too much pressure on yourself. itll make matters worse. if you get along with your secatarys go along with the flow. now the guys- just tell them your shy at the beginning

good luck. let me know how you make out



Thanks for the reply. Went into work today and found out that they are now organising a weekend away just for the team. I really do want to go but its my SP which is letting me down. I am sure i will end up making an excuse. But anyways, i went into work with a positive attitude, tried to keep a conversation going with a work colleague but all i could manage was 2 sentences. I hate being like this. It only really started happening to me when i moved jobs 5 years ago. But being in a new job and trying to make any impression is really hard. Got very overwhelmed in the afternoon and ended up in the toilets having a little cry to myself. Its not like they are horrible people. I just dont know what to do! Would this be a problem i can talk to my GP about? I always feel like i would be wasting their time.


I'm not sure what you mean by GP, but I'm guessing it's general practitioner or something. I that case, yes you can. Here in Norway he or she will refer you to a psychologist which will gives you the advantage of inexpensive appointments with certain psychologists. I don't know how this works outside of Norway, but the general practitioner will be able to talk to you about it and find a good solution for you, but not help you himself/herself. Just talking about your problem out "loud" do really help though.


Oh Well, Couldnt do it, i didnt go into work today so i could avoid being embarrassed at lunchtime. Damn why does it need to be like this!