

Well-known member
i went to the gym!!

they usually scare me alot because there's all the fit and beautiful people around and flabby me waltzes in and i can just see them thinking "why is she here??" or "man, she should have been coming here a long time ago, what a whale"

but my friend recently hurt her knee so i've been going with her to work on it for ten minutes everyday sort of as therapy and i decided i really need to take up working out so today i went and i had a decent time!

let's hope i keep it up :roll:


Active member
A thousand million trillion well done's to you! Hope that feeling of elation lasts! At least you and I both know it's what's on the inside that counts (very much a cliche but very very true!)


Well-known member
I started going gym a while back. and then after a while some cute guys started working there. so i felt like i had to make an effort to look good! i cuddnt go in my tracksiuts and plan grey T-shirt. i just felt unattractive. I cuddnt relax and i hated working out anyways, so i stopped going :oops: .
im tryna find a women only gym now...


Well-known member
that would be nice! like curves? i didn't think about something like that. luckily we have a gym on my campus and it's free for me - for now, don't know what i'm gonna do during the summer, maybe jog or something :?:

but the guys make me feel way nervous. especially the really buff ones, ah!

one trick i did use was going without my glasses (i usually wear glasses all the time) so i couldn't really tell if anyone was looking my way or not and everything was kind of blurry :lol:


Well-known member
I'm put off from going to gyms for similiar reasons

So many gorgeous women there, I don't want them looking at me and saying "Ewww look at him"

I looked for a Men's Only Gym but there aren't any, apparently thats sexist :(


Well-known member
yes. i know the feeling. but i just tune it out. Lots of males goto the gym all barbaric. Trying to show off how much the can lift. 9 outta 10 times they just get themselves hurt. So stick to what you can do. And everyone started out small. I just started working out again. I work from home. I dfon't have the time or the money to put into going to a gym daily.


Well-known member
thats a good idea.....but i dont wear glasses, lol. do you think ill draw more attention to myself by wearing sunglasses?? yer, thought so too. :lol:
Props to you for being brave enough though...
i to had the same thoughts "what is she doing here?" or the "you shud have came in here ages ago" im not actually that big. but when you see the slimmer women there and the cute men who are probably more interested in them, those thoughs go through your head... :oops: :?


Well-known member
I have never been inside a gym in my entire life and nor do i think i will ever venture into one. I exercise at home. Good for you Chilli, i hope you keep it up - exercise can really make you feel good.


Well-known member
thanks guys :p

skyla, you might have to just resort to the blinders they put on horses :lol: or stare at the sun for a while...

ok don't really do either - but i'm glad i'm not the only one terrified of the gym!

i think alot of it is being self-conscious of my body. i'm a little overweight and have been everyday of my entire life. so i think alot of my SA has stemed off from that. and then going to the gym just seems to yell "hey look! i'm FAT - yeah, look at me! i know i'm fat, that's why i'm here!! i'm self concious about being FAT!! so stare at me and laugh!!"

*sigh* i feel better...


Well-known member
well atleast you are attemtping to rectify the situation. that's more than a lot of people can say. And since you're from the states you're not the only one.


Well-known member
Well done, everyone who is working out and going to the gym!. I hope that you can make all your fitness dreams come true!.


Well-known member
I use to go for a while but it's quite expensive and I didn't really see the point as I could get fit a lot of other ways.

It's probably a good place to meet people though.