withdrawing from the outside world

That's what I did for the longest time.... Just scared of meeting people and broaden my horizons. Really, wished I wasn't so scared being 30 yrs. old and feel like I'm much younger than that. I lost my virginity to a guy over a drunken night then the frriendahip with him went downhill after that. Afterwards got into a short-term fling with a guy that I was friends with for a few years now doesnt want anything to do with me anymore.

To top it off, I can't hear well, even with the highest powered hearing aids so I feel awkward when communicating with others like I just don't fit in.

I go to this small-town bar frequently because I run into people there I've seen before. I like being around people that drink...Wierd, I know. I like being around people that joke around and have fun.

I love being around men now...Like it's some sort of drug....I don't have any close friends....I swore to myself that I won't get involved with a guy sexually now unless there's a relationship involved.


Well-known member
You need to do what is best for you and what is ultimately going to make you happy. It's hard when you feel like you don't have anybody to talk to about social anxiety...but you have come to the right place :)


Well-known member
Hrm.. I isolate myself too much as well, and I can oddly relate to the drunk thing, the only time I've ever kissed anyone was a foolish drunken night on my behalf. And that's been it. All of that, I can relate to, but the hearing trouble is tough. If you like fun and joking around maybe just try to take that approach about it? Just laugh it off and try to create an environment where you're hearing trouble is actually a good thing rather than something that makes you feel awkward? I think that might help... I hope anyway. :)
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