

New member
Hello everyone!

I am a 20 year old guy, I have social anxiety, and I almost never talk to anyone at school or anywhere else, but I always talk when I have to. Everyday I use my willpower to do things my subconcsious mind doesn´t want to do. I succeed almost every time! :D About a year and half ago, I tested how strong my willpower really is. I put boxers outside my jeans, tucked my t-shirt in my boxers and walked around in the city on a beautiful summer day!

There were hundreds of people laughing at me, pointing at me, and some just ignoring me. I walked around about 5-10 minutes without sunglasses and in the end I walked through a park where there were like 10 benches on each side full of people! How many people without social anxiety has the balls to do that?! If your willpower isn´t strong, practise it. If you are scared to talk to someone, do it with your willpower. I use willpower everyday. Last time I used it today when I had to talk to the salesman, when I wanted to replace my guitar to another guitar.


Well-known member
I've been humiliated enough by other people to know I won't to do it to myself (purposely):? Did you put much thought into it first? When it comes to making a simple phone call, I think about it too much and never follow through!


Well-known member
well there was a day when i walked in ZOO...wearing gasmask... 8)
i just wanted to have some fun...hehe.


Well-known member
This is all fine and dandy but I cannot stand among friends yet I can (and have done) preform drama in front of hundreds.

Im pretty sure I have read this somewhere but its eaiser to do something socially unacceptable by far than otherwise, including acting as long as its not yourself (faux personality front).

But yes, willpower is essential and training it is great too. The thing is that SA'ers need insane spoon-bending willpower to do something as simple as asking a stranger the time.

Good job on the training anyhow. I suppose with all this oppotunity to train it we can build up higher willpower than the average person.


Well-known member
hmm... what sebastian said made me think twice.... maybe i just really lack willpower.... but then when i think of those times that i have those willpower moments, i feel kind'a proud of myself at first but then it would bother me if i did that moment right... i mean, i don't really care what people think of me... my real problem is my emotion.... my mind says you did fine, but my heart keeps on worrying... and i hate it because it would keep bugging me for days!!!!... so i prefer to become submissive again


Well-known member
That's pretty damn crazy about the boxers outside of your jeans - even non socially anxious people wouldn't do stuff like that! That totally rocks. I wish I could be so tight with myself, to the point of where I could stand to have people laughing at me whilst I walk down the street and think nothing bad of it.

Turns out, it's really just inner conflict. Work on yourself > improve your life around others.


Active member
Reminds me of reading how James Dean was nervous about working with Elizabeth Taylor on Giant, so the first day of shooting he unzipped and took a leak in front of cast and crew. His logic was that with this act he already did something supremely embarassing, and now had nowhere to go but up.


New member
When I was a student, I lived in the dormatory, and I didn't dare go outside if some of my roommates were in the hall or kitchen. Once I tried to stand up in front of the door, and just stare at it, thinking that it was just a physical thing to open the door, that I could do it, even if there was someone outside. I stared at the door, thinking this tought for about 15 - 30 minutes, then I managed to open the door and go outside. But the exercise made me feel very strange, I felt almost like there were invisible knifes all around me in the air, pointing at me. I felt so unconfortable that I didn't try this one more time. Maybe I should have, I don't know.
I could not have done the boxer-thing, never. But like another gay said , it's "normal" things that seems imposible for me to do. No problem meeting up at an exam. But doing a group exercise with fellow students: It's difficult.