Will it cause any harm to my health?


I always eat green apple 2 to 3 pieces everyday. Will it cause any harm to my health?
Since green apple contain PH higher than other type of apple, will it cause problem to my health or stomach?


New member
Apples are used to treat many diseases and condition.Apples are one of the main fruits that people eat prior to a detox due to their gentle effect on the body. They contain pectin (which is often used in vegetarian jelly products) which is really good for the gut.

If you're eating a lot of apples, all I can suggest is buying organic and washing them well to make sure you're not eating a pesticide-flavoured apple.


Well-known member
Michael78 said:
If you're eating a lot of apples, all I can suggest is buying organic and washing them well to make sure you're not eating a pesticide-flavoured apple.

Actually, it's never been shown organic is any better for you. The truth is, organic isn't any better food for anybody. Its not better for the environment, isn't any healthier...just more expensive.