Will it appear like im snubbing my room mates or something is wrong with me?

I have these 5 room mates i have to live with. Last year was not that great living with them, but we were not allowed to change rooms until ten days into the spring semester (I know isnt that just ridiculous?)

Anyway i dont really have time to move ten days into this semester i have a lot of stuff i'd have to move, plus i dont want to be the one that gets pushed out.

Anyway I'm always quiet and i dont really want to go partake in dinner parties with them because they are boring. I try to be respectful and nice. I guess thats all I can do. Last year we kinda bickered about dishes but it wasnt anything serious.
I thought the girl that lives in my room was going to move, but it appears shes not. Or maybe she is? her stuff is kind of packed up but she put all her things in the standing closet. Who knows. I feel like im too quiet and its scaring them so I try to start conversation but its so boring. I get bored and i want to go draw or something. So usually I do. Um is that bitchy?

I have a lot of nerve, but I cant tell if its too much nerve. Am I pushing it too far ? Usually i pretend all things are okay and i ignore the quietness and the giddyness of their talking. I dont really feel excluded that way. ITs fantastic.

I really hope they dont think im a suicide bomber though. What are the odds that i am going to be judged as a suicide bomber and is my quietness going to come off as snobbing?

I appreciate all your advice please dont let this thread die too soon. ::p:


Active member
I can only relate with my personal experience. I was sort of in the same boat- at first my room mates were really friendly, but as time went by and we didn't really bond because I was so shy, a few of them became somewhat snide.

I can't speak for your room mates, but if you continue to act avoidant, they probably will perceive it as rejection, and it won't bode well. Make time to hang out with them a little.