I will attempt to save you some time in thought, i too have had these thoughts as you have, very, very common.
Most people ask themselves constantly, "what am i doing with my life?", "what is the point of my life?", "what is the ultimate goal of my life?"
When you see things in perspective, you will get the bigger picture and most of the things you are concerned about now will fall away.
You can die at any moment. You have no idea when that time will come. On the day of your death, you'll still be thinking about what you are meant to be doing with the rest of your life, unaware that you are about to die. That is the reality at present.
Now, most of us are living a fantasy, many people's life story is quite simply this: they get married, have a family, they die, everyone cries. Not everyone but most people.
Where do you go when you die? Will you have to experience another life in confusion - that's sounds about as torturous as this miserable existence.
Life is basic deception, each one of us is experiencing a uniquely different world of similar suffering. Do not be fooled into thinking that anyone knows your world, no one has ever seen the earth as you have.
If you want some good advice, take it, with all your heart......
Seek the truth of your reality, for it is not how it seems. You are born alone, will suffer alone and will die alone. Only you can free yourself from the deception that you have been born into, a prison for your mind. May your curiousity outshine all your confusion!