why i feel like dating is wrong?


Well-known member
i don't know if i'll find anyone with the same problem, maybe it's not common, maybe i'm wrong like always and it's common. anyway i'm going to vent here, i need to...

basically the problem is that i feel like looking for a mate is wrong. i have no problem thinking about a girlfriend, in fact i want to find a girlfriend (even if gives me shakes just typing about it ), but when it comes to the whole talking , dating thing it's feels wrong, feels like i can't do it, feels like its not natural.

its not fear of rejection , i only fear rejection when i'm compelled to talk/interact with someone i'm not familliar t or i feel attracted, but i simplilly won't do anything to get rejected because my mind is made in such way that i feel like it's wrong to even try!

I think i had denied it to myself so much that i my mind made it into a rule.
I have serious issues :(
From the outside, the dating process does look absurd. How can you shop for a human being? How can you evaluate from a few words whether you'd be interested in someone?

The only way that would feel right is for it to happen by accident, but most people don't wait for that because it's so unlikely.