Why does this keep happening to me?!


Well-known member
Me and my crush (Okay, we're not officially a couple. But the other day we were cuddling and I kissed her) were planning on seeing each other today. She was so excited all week, and so was I.
But of course with my ****ing luck she bailed last second just like everyone I hang out with does. She said that she's going to hang out with her other friend. One who I was supposedly close too, and I felt lonely and hopeless seeing as she didnt invite me either. I mean, it would've been alright that we didnt get to hang out alone. But... You know. I dont know if I'm being obsessive, or she's just playing me.
Really. I actually gave a **** about my appearance today, since I thought I'd see her, too. I dont... Really know. I mean this happens to me so many times whenever I try to get closer to a female friend. They comply when I admit feelings, then just treat me like ****.

Thoughts? Advice? Related expiriences?


i hate ppl like that, that ditch out the last second and make plans with someone else when u already made plans .. its very rude and annoying. and those are ppl i dont stay around for long..if i was u i wouldnt talk to her for a bit and play it cool that u dont care and make plans with her again in a couple days then ditch her the last second and see how she likes it ..


Well-known member
Nah... I'm not like that. I try to, but I fail within a day. And I dont believe in revenge for motovation. To be honest, it's tempting, if anything, though.

was the other friend boy or girl? two's company, three can be a crowd

Naw, the other was a girl. She has guy friends, but she's innocent. I actually got the privilege of giving her a first kiss. Which is ****ing RARE as HELL for high schoolers.
But I talked to her some more. Apperently it was the last time she had the chance to hang out with her. I'm still suspicious of why she didn't invite me though. I asked her why she didn't. But her only response was explaining to me how "bull ****" it was.