why do I care??


I have been wondering lately why do I care?? I mean I have about at least 70 years and then I die and everyone who has known me will die!!! so I should just do whatever I want whenever I want and talk to who I want!!! right?? I mean how much do I have to loose to be free from societys eyes?? I could always use medication to help me but im afraid I wont be me anymore.
I like being a unique individual but I dont like the consequences that go with them. my worst fear is being alone yet I try not to get close to people. I think these thangs over and over and over again and they still get me no where. well I hope to hear what everyone thinks and Im sorry but I had to get that off my chest. thanks for reading :)


Well-known member
Medication doesn't make you any less you, it puts you in a quasi-dreamlike state, where you don't feel what you know you should be feeling... like falling off a balcony and landing in a bloody mess, but it only tickles.
Medication alone doesn't do much, by the way. And your body can still adapt to it, to ruin your life, like it wants to.

The fear of being alone and social anxiety often lead to a tradeoff, where you develop a routine which at first involves some things you're not immediately comfortable with, but over time you grow accustomed to. It is a good way to desensitize, but it can derail your efforts if you don't take it to the next level at the appropriate time.