Who wants FREE help?


I'm sorry. I am no longer offering this as, due to unwarranted personal attacks from some people on the board, I have decided being attacked is not worth it. I am helping some people (or doing my best) who have contacted me. I am committed to this and this IS free help. No scam, no ploy.

I understand that a lot of people on the Internet are con artists and use "rapport-based" sales tactics. I just find it sad that human kindness gets doubted now, too. I have learned a lesson here.: Even if you offer something for nothing, there will still be some people who want to nail you for it. It's very disappointing.

Thanks to those who have responded. You will not be sorry.


Well-known member
“I have read through a lot of the threads here and I am really moved by some of the postings.I want to help everyone here…”

Wow….me too! I have always wanted to help everyone here too! But after 3+ years of weekly counseling for my issues with a licensed psychologist, I wouldn’t know how to help everyone here.

“…and I have absolutely no agenda.”

Me neither!!

“I will do this free and one-to-one via email or Internet chat. I can even phone, depending on the circumstances.”

HEY! Me too! I have a phone too! Another coincidence! It’s just that we all know how complex people are and I would never dare promise anything to people in need if I couldn’t deliver. No…I’d never be able to look myself in a mirror if I did THAT. What kind of person could do THAT?

“I have read extensively on personal development, phobias and the workings of the mind.”

Me too! Many of us have! Welcome to the club!

“Since I have suffered from anxiety and phobic responses in the past, I know what works and doesn't. I spent thousands
getting help.”

Wow! You found ‘it’? The one, the only, answer!? Researchers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other experts have devoted their lives to studying these issues but THOSE chumps never show up HERE offering to help US! ALL of us. FOR FREE!

“Trust me, this is true help.”

Hmmm…..I dunno…I mean, We know NOTHING about you and you make promises that professional therapists would consider unethical……..

“It won't just be empty words or platitudes.”

That’s a relief! I am glad you said that. I WAS skeptical there for a moment.

“I am committed to making a lasting difference and want to "pay it forward". I will share my resources. You WILL feel better after working with me”

Hey maybe you could use threads on this board to help us – that would be more efficient. Rather than having hundreds of us call you simultaneously…which could tie up the phone. Maybe one thread per person you are helping or…. you could have 10 persons per thread or is it something you could just do in one thread? Think about it - if you document your free approach that will work for all of us regardless of the causes of SA in our lives – it would be a tremendous help to therapists and educators everywhere! Think of the good you could do!!!! PLEASE don’t turn down this opportunity to creatively employ threads on this board to help everyone here. Please! I beg you.

“If at all interested, please PM me or email asap.”

Uh…what’s the rush? I mean, why ASAP? Many of us have had this problem for a long time (my SA is the result of years of exposure to dysfunction and probably some genetics) so I am surprised that you are urging haste. Especially since there are so many of us. I mean…if you don’t have a call center and all of us call you asap – think how many of us will just hear a busy signal?! How disappointing!


Well-known member
If anyone gets help from this person, perhaps you wouldn't mind posting portions of the IM log or email that you receive? That way - we could all benefit.


Hmm, curious deconstruction there, Random. Hope it made you feel better. All I have offered is to help for free BECAUSE I have spent a lot of money getting help and have an idea what works and what doesn't. I am also sharing some free resources (mp3s, videos, tips etc.), which cost me quite a bit of money. Is there any harm in that? Have I made any bogus guarantees? Have I hurt anyone?

It might amaze you but some people just want to give back. I have not guaranteed a lifetime cure to a complex problem, but I'm certain that anyone contacting me would benefit from my resources. I am also certain that my heart is in the right place and I do have a genuine desire to help people.

The reason I do not post here is because I don't have SA and the help I offer would not equate to posting on a web forum. I am yet to read of ANYONE who has been cured of SA by reading other people's experiences of it.


Well-known member
powerwithin said:
Hmm, curious deconstruction there, Random. Hope it made you feel better.

Actually, I felt really good to begin with. Felt the same after typing that so...no...no change.

powerwithin said:
All I have offered is to help for free BECAUSE I have spent a lot of money getting help and have an idea what works and what doesn't.

I've spent alot of money getting help too (3+ years of psychotherapy) and I have some ideas about what works for me and what doesn't. I always share what I have learned with others (including attending an SA group live for awhile) and I have discovered that everyone I speak with has a different combination of issues in play. There is no one source (you) of information that all can flock to for the answer. Yet sight unseen, before hearing a word from anyone, you promise to help...EVERYONE.

powerwithin said:
I am also sharing some free resources (mp3s, videos, tips etc.), which cost me quite a bit of money. Is there any harm in that? Have I made any bogus guarantees? Have I hurt anyone?"

Not yet...I hope. But yes - you can harm others and the fact that you cannot even imagine how that might be true seems to indicate a carelessness on your part. You are asking people with anxiety to TRUST you when you really do not know how your actions can violate that trust or exacerbate anxiety. By the way...how come your 'free' resources cost you so much money? Since you wouldn't distribute copyrighted materials I am wondering why you paid so much for free materials.

powerwithin said:
It might amaze you but some people just want to give back.

No...not at all. I used to attend a free anxiety support group in a nearby town. The psychologist who facilitated the group worked for free, a church hosted the group for free - no strings attached, and everyone in the group was generous in sharing what they learned - no matter how hard or painful it was....just like this place. But....nowhere did I ever hear of someone promising to help everyone around them....and say that it must be private (one on one). Why couldn't you just start a thread of tips? Or join the tips thread? You could talk about what you learned in the MP3's and videos. Talk in detail about what you have learned....like everyone else.

powerwithin said:
I have not guaranteed a lifetime cure to a complex problem, but I'm certain that anyone contacting me would benefit from my resources.

Hmmm....see....you are beginning to drift a little here. First you promised you could help everyone because you had SA "in the past" (i.e. you were cured or recovered) and that you were "committed to making a lasting difference." Now you are saying you just want to 'share resources' and you are not offering a 'lifetime cure'. Just how long does your assitance last? I knew there would be some...drift... in your offer if if I just scratched the surface. The causes of SA and other types of anxiety are often complex or subtle (why else did it take you so much money, searching, reading) If they were simple we would have figured it out ourselves and we would only have simple threads here...listing the ingrediants for simple solutions.

powerwithin said:
I'm certain that anyone contacting me would benefit from my resources. I am also certain that my heart is in the right place and I do have a genuine desire to help people.

It used to be 'everyone' and now it is 'anyone'? Oh well....First you tell me that your heart is in the right place....and then you say:

powerwithin said:
I am yet to read of ANYONE who has been cured of SA by reading other people's experiences of it.

WHAM! THe slap across the face...that I was waiting for. I've read this somewhere before...who was it....oh yes...andre_genre. Are you in her class too? andre_genre implied that we on SPW were wasting out time talking to one another. And she also implied....just like you are....that we couldn't get better without her help.
Oh....and notice that you said 'cured'. You said that we couldn't get cured by reading other peoples' experiences...so...I....guess you are admitting that you really are dangling a 'cure' in front of us ( a 'lasting' one) ...a 'cure' that we can't get by posting and reading on this board? I don't read posts on SPW to be cured but I find it helpful. I object to you dangling blanket promises of help and chiding people for posting on SPW because only you have found what 'works'.


Instead of trying to deconstruct everything I have written, why not just accept that I am offering something?

With all due respect, I have been very clear in these postings. "I am committed to making a lasting change" is what I wrote and I stand by that. I have also said that I want to help EVERYONE and that the offer is open "to anyone wanting help". There is no contradiction here at all. Anyone can see that.

You are just choosing to be sarcastic and look for logic holes where they don't exist. I had that in another thread when I simply wrote that a process worked for me. I was accused of being the person offering the treatment, my honesty was called into question and everything was treated with skepticism. I do not need to justify myself here, Random. I know what I am about and I am not trying to hurt anyone. I am not the Messiah, so please do not assume you know ANYTHING about me, my intentions or my heart.

There is no "drift" in what I wrote. I have never offered a "lifetime cure". You have to commit. I contend that if people commit to the processes I recommend, they will feel a lot better.

Again, reading a forum will make other sufferers feel accepted and more comfortable. It IS comforting to know that other people suffer from these symptoms. However, I maintain that reading any self-help book, forum or advice will lead to lasting change. Please indicate, with examples, why this is untrue.

Of course, no help can be GUARANTEED because people have to COMMIT to any process. If you have a resistant attitude of "I can't be helped" or "I'm not going to do what is suggested", you will not get any further in life. Fact. There is no magic wand, sadly. Again, Random, I am not duping anyone here and no-one is being co-erced. At the very worst, they will learn some strategies and dismiss them.


Well-known member
powerwithin said:
Instead of trying to deconstruct everything I have written, why not just accept that I am offering something? .

Looks like we are not going to agree on the basics. It seems as though you don't like what my 'deconstructing' reveals about your posts and so you are asking me to stop and simply base my opinion on your personal integrity. Also I do accept that you are 'offering something' but you are displaying some troubling attitudes (superiority and lack of awareness) that people may choose to avoid.

powerwithin said:
With all due respect, I have been very clear in these postings. "I am committed to making a lasting change" is what I wrote and I stand by that..

I appreciate your civility in addressing me but we aren't going to agree on this for reasons stated in my prior posts.

powerwithin said:
You are just choosing to be sarcastic and look for logic holes where they don't exist. ..

I disagree with you based on information in my prior posts.

powerwithin said:
I had that in another thread when I simply wrote that a process worked for me. I was accused of being the person offering the treatment, my honesty was called into question and everything was treated with skepticism. ..

So you have had the same response elsewhere but are unable to understand why some people might feel this way? You say you've encountered skepticism before when you 'simply' posted that it worked for you so you decided to post on the same topic but this time promising to help EVERYONE for FREE and didn't expect any skepticism?

powerwithin said:
I do not need to justify myself here, Random. I know what I am about and I am not trying to hurt anyone. I am not the Messiah, so please do not assume you know ANYTHING about me, my intentions or my heart...

I have not asked you to justify yourself (although you seem to be doing so) but based on your prior experiences you might have expected people to be skeptical and make comments you might not like. I wonder why you didn't change your strategy - post a thread providing detail about the
I assure you that I never assumed that you were the Messiah.
You do seem to be making some gigantic assumptions about us in stating that you can help EVERYONE.
You stress that I can't assume that I (and others) know ANYTHING about you, your heart, your intentions etc. but you seem to be insisting that we should trust you. That almost sounds like a logic error.

powerwithin said:
There is no "drift" in what I wrote. ...

With all due respect, we're going to have to agree to disagree on that.

powerwithin said:
I have never offered a "lifetime cure". You have to commit. I contend that if people commit to the processes I recommend, they will feel a lot better.

Ok so if people contact you you will help them feel a lot better. And you contrast this with:

powerwithin said:
Again, reading a forum will make other sufferers feel accepted and more comfortable. It IS comforting to know that other people suffer from these symptoms. ...

So people reading a forum with feel accepted and more 'comfortable' and they will find it 'comforting' etc. I don't see a significant difference between what you offer (feeling 'alot better') and what reading a forum offers (feeling accepted, comfortable) etc. Overtime the nature of the help you offer kind of...drifts. First post - you will 'work' with EVERYONE (sounds so much like therapy) one on one. Second post - you are just offering to share resources (You never addressed my prior question: Why did you pay so much for free resources?). Third post - you are recommending processes.
You seem to be implying that your video and MP3 'resources' (offer #2) are so much more effective than reading ( a forum etc.)? Could you tell us more about that? It seems pretty harsh that the onlly effective methods that will help us are contained in MP3's and Videos (which just happen to be incompatible with this board format hmmmm) that are available nowhere else but from you and that they are free but cost you alot of money.

powerwithin said:
However, I maintain that reading any self-help book, forum or advice will lead to lasting change. Please indicate, with examples, why this is untrue....

I assume you left out the word ''not" here (please pardon the assumption but it was necessary). I think this is unkind of you. In your first post you say you've spent alot of money and tried alot of things and now you know what works. It seems like you are saying that, if we want to get better we have to contact you because we'll just waste time searching ourselves and posting on boards, reading etc. You seem to try to scare us into thinking we won't get any better without you. (Don't you wonder how you know what is and isn't helping us even when we don't? I know I do.) Perhaps reading didn't help you but does it follow that it won't help anyone else?

You would like an example of how reading something helped? I read, and therefore recommend, the book 'I could be Anything if Only I knew What it Was' by Barabar Sherr. It helped to change parts of my life. In the book it describes how you write letters to those who have hurt you - and this time you write a dialogue between you and that person but you write it as if the person is willing to listen, absolutely not defensive accusing, endlessly loving, and sorry they hurt you. I put the book down and got some paper and wrote some letters. I then modified it for my own use. I imagine people who have hurt me standing right in front of me. Following the books premise - I talked out loud, told them how they hurt me. I was surprised that it surfaced anger and pain so well. I layed it all out (anger and pain) and, based on the formula in the book, imagined their complete sorrow and love - they apologized. I was emotionally drained every time I did this (repeated it about 6 times on different days for different people) but following two 'letter readings' I awoke the next morning exhausted and feeling the true sweet certainty that I had regained a missing piece of my heart - which I thought was impossible. I also recommend the exercise where she has you imagine yourself as a young child - complete with what you wearing, where you are sitting etc - and then you imagine that you go and find that child and hug her etc. Very powerful stuff - it healed some old but powerful wounds. This forum helps me etc. How is it you are so certain you know what helps me better than I do?

powerwithin said:
Of course, no help can be GUARANTEED because people have to COMMIT to any process. If you have a resistant attitude of "I can't be helped" or "I'm not going to do what is suggested", you will not get any further in life. Fact. There is no magic wand, sadly. Again, Random, I am not duping anyone here and no-one is being co-erced. At the very worst, they will learn some strategies and dismiss them.

I think this is unkind of you and I believe it is a straw man argument. I've never encountered anyone who thought that there was a 'magic wand'. Further, you imply that the only way people don't get better is lack of commitment and mention resistance - who ever suggested that one could get well by resisting help or via a magic wand? ( So I guess you are covered - anytime someone doesn't benefit from your 'offer' it's because they aren't commited.) By the way, either you made some negative assumptions about us (wand hunting) or this false argument - which no one but you suggested; it is so easily defeated, which is why you brought it up.
I never mentioned coercion. But I object to strangers assuming far too much about us and our struggles, assuming they have superior knowledge and skill, and stating that we are doing (posting) won't help us so we better depend on them instead.
Now that last sentence in the last quote about "at the very worst, they will learn some strategies and dismiss them" constitutes offer #4. This forum does include many many posts of strategies that we can read and dismiss - how does this differ from what you offer? The only difference seems to be your aversion to having a public SA forum know what you the names of useful videos, mp3s, and how they helped you; descriptions of strategies and processes etc.


Again, I stand by my posts. Anyone reading this can see what I am writing. Unless one is looking for an argument, then there is nothing in my words to provoke a response of your nature. It astounds me that you have read SO deeply and often suspisciously into what I've written.

Yes, to change you have to be committed. There is no magic wand (this is simply a response to you alleging I was duping people). Fact. The other points? Again, I do not have to justify myself. The resources? I am sharing strategies with people from products I have used and paid a lot of money for. Repeating myself again! I have neither the time or energy to go over the same old ground. No offense.

As for the skepticism...it has amazed me. No, I do not think I need to change "strategies". It astounds me that the other thread encountered such skepticism. Anyone reading that would surely agree. This is why I do not want to post anything here, to be honest. I am not here to defend myself or get into deconstructions. It is rather tiresome, to be honest, and there are better ways to expend energy.


Well-known member
I promise not to post a single comment on any thread you post describing in detail specific strategies and how they help you.

No point in keeping everyone else on this board from benefiting from your assistance just because of my opinions. Think how many people you could help, how much time and money could be saved - for all the years this board is operated and your thread is viewed - by posting in a public 'what works'.

I do feel free to comment on threads like this one where you invite everyone to contact you in some manner.


Well-known member
OK, that's just too much to read through. But, powerwithin, if you could explain exactly what you plan to do to help people here, that would be great. From what I did read, it looked a lot like "sharing resources," and that could mean lots of things. I don't want to waste my time if, for instance, you rope me in to having to pay 800 dollars for something.


Well-known member
He doesn't seem to want to tell us unless you contact him ALONE....in private, one on one. As you correctly point out - my exchange with him is 'too much to read'. So, I'll just pull from our exchanges the text where he almost comes close to hinting....

random said:
Overtime the nature of the help you offer kind of...drifts. First post - you will 'work' with EVERYONE (sounds so much like therapy) one on one. Second post - you are just offering to share resources (You never addressed my prior question: Why did you pay so much for free resources?). Third post - you are recommending 'processes'.
...Now that last sentence "at the very worst, they will learn some strategies and dismiss them" constitutes offer #4. This forum does include many many posts of strategies that we can read and dismiss - how does this differ from what you offer? The only difference seems to be your aversion to having a public SA forum know the names of useful videos, mp3s, and how they helped you; descriptions of strategies and processes etc.
I will add that his next to last post added hint #5 "The resources? I am sharing strategies with people from products I have used and paid a lot of money for."


Well-known member
The thing that sets people like "Powerwithin" and "Morty" apart from 'real' psychologist, is their extreme unwillingness to tell what it is they will do to help cure social phobia. They use super latives to describe how effective and quick working their programs are, but when asked to describe what it actually does, they refer to testimonials of other people talking about how good the program is.

Powerwithin, I don't doubt your out to help people, but instead of refering to phones or PM, show us all what you can do.

Start with me, i'm 21 years old, male and a sufferer of social phobia since as far back as I can remember, how can I brake loose?


Jinxed, I did not receive your email. No lie. It must have been picked up by my Spam folder. In fact, I'm in contact with 5 people right now, sharing resources and giving advice. I have only just started actually, as I have been really busy lately.

Those people will confirm that I am not SELLING anything. You can be cynical if you want. I understand. Again, no-one has to contact me. There's no coercion. However, you can PM me if you want and that will ensure I receive your message. If not, then ok. No hard feelings.


Well-known member
It seems my last post got lost in your Spam folder aswell.

I repeat:

Powerwithin, I don't doubt your out to help people, but instead of refering to phones or PM, show us all what you can do.

Start with me, i'm 21 years old, male and a sufferer of social phobia since as far back as I can remember, how can I brake loose?


Please see the first post of this thread. I've just edited it.

And no, this is NOT because I'm a conman or a thief. I know that I am a good person and my intentions are honest - I'm not out to make money when I say "FREE help".

It's just that I am weary. Weary about making the same points repeatedly. I cannot share videos or MP3s on this forum. I cannot devote the same energy in a forum context either. Asking you to contact me was not a sales ploy or pitch. I wanted to build up a rapport with people who showed enough commitment to contact me. It wasn't too much to ask, I reasoned.

And the people who have contacted me ARE getting access to resources. And it IS free. It's my time and I am happy to devote it to people who have put their trust in me. It's also my bandwidth and I did not want to offer help to anyone (paradoxically I want to help everyone but have realised how difficult that is) who didn't REALLY want it or wouldn't do anything with the resources. Surely that makes sense.

I am not here and never was here to get into a slanging match. I am not a practitioner and I do NOT have to justify anything. I'm just a guy who cares and wants to help. That's all I ever I claimed to be.

If someone had offered me this when I was at my lowest, I'd have been thrilled. And even if I had been cynical, I still would have contacted just to see. You don't get anywhere in this life by not trusting anyone or anything.