When you relax and feel more grounded - how do you hold on..


to that? It's like when i start feeling more like myself i get scared of losing it and worry about falling back into being worried! So i just end up feeling worried again and the cycle goes on. Any ideas?

Also anybody have any ideas of relaxing both body and mind? The worry about starting Uni is basically crippling me and i just need to release the tension!


Well-known member
I tried the whole 'fantasy world' thing, really dr. Gregory house debating with me and Einstein while enjoying a beer cheers me up a lot!


Well-known member
It IS possible. I've noticed during the past few weeks that it is possible to _really_ calm down for some time. The key for me is currently accepting myself as I am (facial expression, clothing,... everything!) AND accepting the world around me as it is (When I'm calm, I'm not even thinking much...or I can concentrate on planning things etc...I just keep accepting the flow of life forms and events towards me :p). When you consciously do it, your skill of relaxing gets better and better. Also, for me it is crucial to relax when I usually try to perform some avoidance behaviour. Do not avoid, relax instead. When I feel like looking people in the eyes on the street, I'm god damn doing it, because the only way to feel calm is not to avoid things you're irrationally scared of. Period. Have fun!
I find that meditation is an awesome way to relax, and it can also rid you of depression for very long time after, but to do that you gotta practice it, it doesn't work the first few times. But the more you meditate, the better you get and the happier and more relaxed you'll be :D


I've just had a nice relaxing bath and i feel better, i agree that you just have to accept the thoughts and not fight them, because the more your fight them, the worse they get, don't feed the troll lol.