whats your story?


New member
ok bare with it, but heres my story......

ive been to doctors, skin specialists, etc.. all say im normal, tests results bring back nothing. yet i suffer from sweating all over the body, mainly chest, back and face. it only occured during exercise at first, and being very sporty it soon became a problem. nobody else would be sweating and if they were it would not even mark there clothes, yet i would be dripping, soaked! even in temperatures below freezing. the first thing i tried was too wear two shirts (dumb i know) but i just wanted to hide it. Obviously this didnt work, but i persisted, getting hotter and hotter. This was all the way through secondary school, afraid to even eat in the canteen, afraid to exert too much in PE, afraid to attract any attention. a shame because i love talking with ppl, get on with anyone, and am confident in my own abilty, but have such a fear of my sweating.
Upon leaving secondary school i started college. it lasted 3 months, i found myself sitting in class with sweat coming off my forehead, too afraid too socialise or make new friends, i just wanted to get away, i ended up skipping a lot of classes, and dropping out, which i regret as i was A/B grade student. Luckily im very good at golf, so i thought i had my escape clause, yet the problem was still there, afraid to do to well because of attention. anyway so far that hasn't worked out. i spent 3 years trying to go un-noticed, just another face in the crowd, wishing to be normal. going out was too much stress, clubbing, bowling, restaurants, etc.... try to avoid as much as possible. i spent 6 months in asia, where i accepted i would sweat, had a real good time, people are a lot less judgemental. but returning back to england, the cycle started again.
i used to think it was anxiety or nerves, but im very relaxed and calm at the worst of times. I try to get on with life, but sweating has stopped me chasing everything i wanted, im fighting a constant battle in my mind, wondering which one will cave in first, the sweating or me! i dont want to let it control me, i was with a girl for a few years, she knew my problem (first girl i ever told), was really good, but i didnt let on how serious it was, avoided taking her out to restaurants or places i felt i had no escape route. anyway other circumstances led to that break up. datings not a problem.
im not really going anywhere with this, so sorry if your bored by now, but its nice to get it off my chest. alot of peole know i sweat alot, but they dont know the pshycological implications. As an intelligent guy ( apart from spelling) i try to understand why it effects me and act accordingly, but without the hope of some sort of cure, it just gets harder. at some point i have to face up to the problem and take control.
What causes the sweating? pretty much everything, exercise (even just movement), heat, sunlight, bright lights, lots of ppl. Anxiety... now did my sweating cause anxiety or did the anxiety cause the sweating, im going to say the first option.
i know im not the worst sufferer, but its bad enough, it would be nice to just go do something without worrying if a sticky situation could be imminent.
Ive read a few posts now,, and its nice to know ppl out there are the same, obviously im not happy about that, but the lonely feeling can get a bit much. i've moulded my life around the sweating, even my job, its time for a change, lifes to short.
Apolagies again for going on, if you made it this far then thanks, id like to hear other ppls stories, its gd to tlk!


Hi there, shadow! I for one read it all -- every word. I know exactly what you are talking about as I've suffered from general HH since my early teenage years, the worst part being the facial/head sweating. I managed (somehow) to survive school and uni. Like you though I always try to keep a low profile, but lately I've been trying to take more charge of the situation. I've started using Odaban, which does seem to have reduced the head sweating a bit. Anyhow, you are not alone and all the best!


Well-known member
I read every word as well and with interest as this is what I suffer from. I'll not go into my full story as its posted here a couple of times before but i do understand and empathise with you. The head sweats are so noticeable to others that us sufferes do tend to take a low profile at such times and that is to our detriment. But generally I have 4 bad months a year (May-Aug) and 8 months where I can lead a reasonably ordinary life for the most part if still avoiding certain situations. There's no cure but there is a number of of ways that can help us as documented on this site.