What's wrong with society?


New member
Can someone tell me what's wrong with society?

Why do all the young people smoke, drink and take drugs when at the disco? Why do they think that's the only "cool" thing to do and if you don't do it you're "uncool."

Why does everybody run around like crazy thinking that they're late and not bothering about the people they have in front of their faces? Why don't they even say "sorry" when they almost "run over you."

Why do I always have to ask my (few) friends if they want to go out and do something? Why don't they ask me instead?

Why do people speak to me with no emotions? Why do I have to be their friend so that they can show me their emotions?

Why do people always talk about the negative things you have, why don't they speak about the positive things you have?

Why is it that money is the only thing that motivates people?

I'm sorry, it must be one of those days. You do loads of things and you get...nothing. :?


321Go said:
Can someone tell me what's wrong with society?

Why do all the young people smoke, drink and take drugs when at the disco? Why do they think that's the only "cool" thing to do and if you don't do it you're "uncool."

Why does everybody run around like crazy thinking that they're late and not bothering about the people they have in front of their faces? Why don't they even say "sorry" when they almost "run over you."

Why do I always have to ask my (few) friends if they want to go out and do something? Why don't they ask me instead?

Why do people speak to me with no emotions? Why do I have to be their friend so that they can show me their emotions?

Why do people always talk about the negative things you have, why don't they speak about the positive things you have?

Why is it that money is the only thing that motivates people?

I'm sorry, it must be one of those days. You do loads of things and you get...nothing. :?

all of those answers can be found in the bible.


Well-known member
Glad you asked.

Because Satan controls this system, has influenced the decisions of men eons ago and we ourselves are degenerating as a whole in sin.

And that in reality is fact and everywhere around you this is proven true second after second. It's just a matter of throwing away the lies the average society feeds us that truly draw us away from God.

I reached a point where 'one of those days' for me was everyday. I grew sick of these ways, tired of the pointlessness of it all, frustrated with my peers delight in suffering and ignorance. Over time I was brought out of depression and darkness through what was essentially the divine will of god, his love of mankind and patience granting me the knowledge, and through his messengers and word I slowly reached understanding on a basic, yet epic level compared to the average persons' understanding (such as my own previously).

Another thing to add on the list, the way people lie and stumble prehaps among family in a effort to cover up even the smallest mistakes for what? Pride? It is better to be humble and accept such things with a smile knowing you will do better in a future task.

Take heart that this is not the way it is designed to be! And know that you are living in the end times of this system, how many people claim the end is coming? Not a definate end either, but a change. A change for the better in more ways than thought possible.

I will end this deliciously heavy post with a hopeful note and promise of truth, seek Jehovah's Witnesses and in turn seek god.

[EDIT]Blast it Kyle beat me while I was typing gah! :)


Well-known member
Zantief said:
Edit: not fair there were like 3 views when I started typing and two people beat me! :evil:

It was Kyle not me! :lol: *dodge*

It should be said that society both west and well, pretty much everywhere has gotten and is going down hill its as obvious as looking outside the window or even asking a parent for the younger ones. People who say this day and age is great in comparison need a swift slap to teh chops to wake them up from daydreaming, sure the technology is great! *like its actually helping* hah.

If you really feel like checking it out read some plain ol' statistics on deathtoll/druguse/crime ect. the media and the like cover it up to the point of not showing it openly but its something easy to google.

(Here some real rough points IIRC. 1960-1990? Hmm seems ok enough. 2000? Things need cleaning up a little. 2001-2007? Its like 2000 magnified though a Optical telescope)

A little personal but, END OF THE WORLD! Something you can always discuss with D2D! Because he's crazy just like that.


Well-known member
I don't know. There are a lot more rude and inconsiderate people around now but I think that makes it even more special when you meet someone nice and caring :)


Well-known member
Indeed it can be, thats the thing. Should this world change quickly for the better where crime ect. are a thing of the past... we will all fully appreciate it for we know the alternative.

It is my belief that we was born into an age specifically set just for that. For those continuing this in the future there is no exuses. This world is a living example Satan cannot rule, and in due time Gods kingdom will unite everyone in love, as it should be.


Well-known member
Not all the young people are like this. Follow your own passions. Join a club of interest to you. What do you love to to do in your spare time? Obviously, partying isn't it. Keep in touch with those friends of yours. However it may be wise to seek other friends elsewhere. Eventually you will become secure in the amount and quality of these friendships. You will (in general) become more secure in yourself. To be frank. Just do what you want to do. I bet if you had a full schedule. Friends would be chasing you. Just get your own great life.


Well-known member
Despite what some of the post say on this thread, I have to disagree that the answers to your questions can be found through religion. Believe me, I've looked with an open-mind.

Truth is, people are just more self-absorbed today than ever before. The world is just too complicated nowadays, and overcomplication means more trouble.
Everything is getting away from us and we're falling apart at the seams. People can't go anywhere without cellphones to use for superficial conversations, and then they have no idea how to communicate with a real, live human being. For most of us, the people who should be secondary in our lives are primary (those blasted, gossipy co-workers we hate and have to see everyday), and the people who should be primary in our lives are secondary (our friends, and family who we hardly ever get to see and all but lose connection with over time). I think the structure of society is all wrong right now and people are unhappy. And to be honest, I don't believe religion will fix that, especially because at least here in America a lot of religion (especially Christianity) is based on hypocrisy. It's all pick and choose from the Holy Book and leave out what you don't like.


Well-known member
Its not my belief that there is only one true/pure religion but fact, this is by simply reading the bible without outside influence.

As for the essential association I find that those guys called "Jehovah's Witnesses" do really stick to it. People have opinions sure, many would say against them but they cannot deny they have the most Christian-like organisation and mannerisms.

The bible itself is testament to salvation, the fact it survived up to now in a chaotic society is more than a coincidence. Yeah lots of people agree with it but who really follows it?

I can say, 'those guys called Jehovah's Witnesses', and im a very open minded individual not to mention sceptic. I have learned of alternatives and like you said, they are all hypocrites.

So you know, just helping out if anyone is listening... its one thing to put a opinion on something unknown and another to stand up and pursue the depths of life. People tend to be scared of the unknown, especially when it deep inside they know it to be true.


Well-known member
Johno said:
Not all the young people are like this. Follow your own passions. Join a club of interest to you. What do you love to to do in your spare time? Obviously, partying isn't it. Keep in touch with those friends of yours. However it may be wise to seek other friends elsewhere. Eventually you will become secure in the amount and quality of these friendships. You will (in general) become more secure in yourself. To be frank. Just do what you want to do. I bet if you had a full schedule. Friends would be chasing you. Just get your own great life.

Thank you, Johno for bringing some positivity! Although I agree that society is going down the crapper, I cannot allow myself to obsess about it. I have to make it better because...I think even though we don't seem to belong in this society, we are still LIVING IN IT. All of us Socially Anxious kids are sensitive to the bad things that the world coughs up. But there is good buried in there too, if you search.


Well-known member
321Go said:
Can someone tell me what's wrong with society?

Why do all the young people smoke, drink and take drugs when at the disco? Why do they think that's the only "cool" thing to do and if you don't do it you're "uncool."

Why does everybody run around like crazy thinking that they're late and not bothering about the people they have in front of their faces? Why don't they even say "sorry" when they almost "run over you."

Why do I always have to ask my (few) friends if they want to go out and do something? Why don't they ask me instead?

Why do people speak to me with no emotions? Why do I have to be their friend so that they can show me their emotions?

Why do people always talk about the negative things you have, why don't they speak about the positive things you have?

Why is it that money is the only thing that motivates people?

I'm sorry, it must be one of those days. You do loads of things and you get...nothing. :?

Lol. Society as a whole isn't all that bad. You need to start hanging out with better people, my friend :)