Whats the RIGHT thing to do? [advice pleasee]


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I have been invited out to a friends birthday get-together on saturday, and i dont know what to do about it.
I havent been up to going out as much recently, but I havent seen her for ages and i havent talked to her for ages either, i kind of cut myself off a bit and the fact that she still invites me proves that she isnt giving up on me evn though ive been a nothing friend for the past few months. A couple of other girls who are going are I used to be "friends" with (never close but ok to go out for a drink with) but havent spoke to them recently and kind of wanted to officially cut ties with them because i dont feel theyve made any real effort with me, and ive never felt completely confortable around them. I know what most of you are prob thinking; I shouldnt let that stop me from seeing my friend on her birthday, but knowing these other girls will more than likely make me really uncomfortable, and i dont want to be "not completey there" with her and my head being in another place. So do I go and try not to let it bother me, or would it be better to arrange just to see her on her own another time so i can be more focused? Ive recetly been going through a hard time and feeling like so alone and isolated and ive started college which was hard enough so i dont know if i should maybe steer clear of anything thats going to cause any unecessary worry or upset to me. Im not sure if im being selfish thinking about not going.. any thoughts please?


Well i think you should go: whether to improve your SP or to see again your old friends...But if you don't feel at ease there, if you're not having fun, if you don't think people are talking to you, if you're annoyed, then just leave, it'll not be your fault, and you'd have done something against your SP???