What's my age again


Well-known member
The other day a one of the guys at work was surprised when I told him I was only 19, guess he thought I was older I have no idea why. I don't even feel 19 i feel like 12 :? Anyway he also asked if I smoke a lot of weed cuz I'm always so calm and never complain about anything at work. I don't smoke weed at all, maybe once or twice a year, but I never knew other people could see me as calm when I feel so tense and anxious all the time.

Anyone else relate to this or have a similar experience?


Well-known member
I can relate to what your saying. I'm anxious alot, but people have said that I do appear relaxed and calm in certain situations. Maybe because I'm so good at hiding it. I've had alot of practice. People think I'm younger than I am as well.


"I'm anxious alot, but people have said that I do appear relaxed and calm in certain situations"
I am exactly the same but i think it may be due to a symptom of either depression or S.A. I can't remember which, it was called stone face or something to that effect. but basically its where you show no emotion in your face or voice.


Well-known member
Im the same exact way. I have SAD but I also act as if I am the calmest person alive. I am by far not the calmest person alive, I just try to avoid situations that will tip me over the edge. I think I have major anger issues. Im just so damn anxious all the time! All the time! even when nothing is happening. So when something does happen, I just freak out basically. I start to blush and sweat like a dog. That is why I just try to be quiet and go along my business only.

Also, Im 17 and people tell me that I look so young also. For example, I went to Hooters with my older half-brother for my 17th b-day. My brother told the dumbass waittress that it was my b-day. She then asked me how old I was and I told her to geuss. "14" she said. I was so embarrased that I didnt even want to tell her my real age anymore but I did anyway. She then said "you look so young" like I appreciate her saying that. What a dumbshit, everybody knows that every teenage boy wants to look older. Haha Hooters waitresses are so fucking dumb! She was a terrible waitress by the way.