What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?


Well-known member
He doesn't have your name or know where you live, right?
The only way he can identify himself is 'the guy you gave the number to at the Service Station'.
Just say 'Sorry you have the wrong number' and hang up.

Easier said then done if he is actually on the phone, isn't it.
Get any friend or family to call and practice. Really.


Well-known member
maybe u shud go and see the film with him. It would be very uncomfortable but maybe it wud be possible and is a start in conquering SP. Don't do it if it's way outside your comfort zone if u don't want to.


Well-known member
Hmmm...what are you doing about your SA?

If you REALLY dont wanna talk, the simplest thing to do is to not pick up the phone (if its a mobile that is...). Classic avoidant behviour. But yer, theres prolly a lot of guys who ask for no.'s and don't really have an intention to call.


Well-known member
Did you like his looks? Do you think he looks like a nice guy? He probably is, for asking your number out of nowhere like that. Hmm, was he interested in you before this, he may be planning to ask your number for weeks and just now gathered the courage.. Who knows :D.
Instead of a movie, go eat something with him, get to know him better, ask him if it´s good to work in a service station. You look like someone nice to go out with.


Well-known member
littlematchgirl said:
Sorry all, I know this post was neurotic :oops: but I am much calmer now.
Plainsofserenity - thanks for the suggestion, but I think I'm going to confront my SA.
There I go posting without enough information. I figured your SA difficulty was with not being able to withhold your phone number instead of not being able to talk with him. And if he phoned your problem is how to get over the SA enough to go out with him; not, as I assumed, how to make him believe he was given a false number.
My experience has been to expect the worst particularly if I've been approached out of the blue while his buddy lurks 10 feet behind.
I still shudder thinking about being caught alone with these guys.


Well-known member
Oh cmon, dont be so pessimist and paranoid. Of course, there´s always a bad side for things, but, at least this time, think of the good side: this guy saw you and give it a go to go out with you. Ok, if that happens a lot with you, you may pass this guy, but if not, well, go and see what happens. As frightening as that may look, dont give SA that satisfaction.


Well-known member
oh cmon. Maybe you shouldn't be so trusting and naive.

maybe they are good guys but it's a whole lot easier being cautious than trying to claw your way out of a mistake. maybe the boy in you just wouldn't understand.


Well-known member
The thing is not being naive, the thing is not being coward.
My whole life I missed and didnt do lots of things because I was afraid of stuff. I would always see danger and consequences beyond everything. Saying "what if" before everything is the safest way to go, but, it´s such a nasty habit.


Well-known member
You, i would guess, have never found yourself in danger and consequences that you wished just a little foresight had helped you avoid. You have never wished you had been just a little more cowardly to have avoided the what-if.
And that is good for you Allanboy. That is what makes you innocent enough to say "go ahead and take all the chances. The perceived dangers are all in your mind."

But from reading her first post, Littlematchgirl
one of the guys accosts me... he asked me for my number,...I felt too intimidated to say no
it sure seems to have have been more that SA.

If you see no reason why she shouldn't have gone out with these two guy who she had never seen before then Allan-boy, there is nothing more to say.
I hope you remain one of the lucky ones and that any of your leaps of faith continue to skirt danger.


Well-known member
I dont know whats wrong with me right now, but, I dont understand a word of all that you posted. I guess littlematchgirl should go with what you said.


Well-known member
I have to go with plainsofserenity on this one, the guys may have been nice guys but from any girls perspective it is not worth taking the risk. What if they turned out to be creeps, drink spikers or rapists. Unfortunately we live in a world where we cant take those kinds of risks. If I had been in LittleMatchGirls situation I would have refused to give the guy my number and high tailed it out of there. Those kind of 'random' guys always freak me out.