ever since i was 14 (im 18 now), ive suffered from social phobia.i never really figured out what was wrong with me until recently, though. some of my symptoms included: feeling really self-conscious, inadequate and inferior to those around me when in social situations; getting extremely anxious when asked to speak up or read aloud in class; difficulty making close friends as i could never relax and 'be myself' around people. etc etc..the whole time i was so upset and frustrated - i knew that objectively there was nothing inferior about me - im pretty, smart, good at sport, come from a loving family etc but despite all this, i felt terrible about myself whenever i was with other people. that feeling of being judged, and being somehow different from everyone was really strong. but the thing is, ive finally found something that has really made my life so much better. i saw my GP who gave me a prescription for SSRIs, which is a medication often used in treating depression but its also recommended for certain anxiety disorders.everything is so much better now and im a million times happier. my relationships with those around me have improved heaps because im much more confident and comfomfortable speaking up. the physical symptoms of anxiety like fast heart beat and sweaty palms have gone. i feel like my old self again -woo! life is good again
no more irrational worrying, no more ruminating all day long about these issues. so id really recommended these meds for anyone suffering from similar symptoms.it seems unlikely that taking a pill once a day could really make so much difference but its been like a miracle cure for me..just wanted to get the message out there, to try and help fellow suffers.thanks for reading!