What To Do About Relating Better With Women

Actually, I'm sure that it is, but I'm asking for outside input anyway. Maybe someone can let me know what to do about it. I'm 28 years old and I've had anxiety trouble since the age of 8. I was never socially adept and when I decided to talk to women, maybe at age 15 or 16, I failed. I am still quite poor at it and I don't suppose I can use anxiety as excuse anymore. What I'm wondering is why.

I have no problem going up to women and talking to them. That's no longer the problem necessarily. It's just that it goes so poorly so often that I'm confused. I'm not a stupid guy, I don't think. If something isn't working as it is, i try a new approach. I've been myself, I've even been someone else. I've been self-depricating and humorous, other times I've been serious and confident. Very little luck.

What's the deal? Can women just smell my loserdom?


Well-known member
I think the main thing is you just have to meet the right girl. I have never been able to just go up to a girl and start a converstation. I still have trouble even making conversation with girls I work (and I'm 25). But a few months ago I met a girl online. She knew I was shy, but she was fairly talkative. So we talked on the phone a few times (something I've never been good at). After a few days of that we met up. I couldn't believe how much chemistry we had, I don't know if I've ever been able to talk to anyone like I could talk to her. After 5 dates she decided she couldn't handle my work schedule (basically I'm out of town for a week and a half at a time) and she didn't wanna see me anymore.

My point is that she was ok with me being a little shy. She kind of helped me through it by being more talkative. Just hang in there, eventually you will find a girl who likes you for who you are.