What the hell is going on?


Well-known member
I'm in a really retarded situation. I'll try and explain it as best I can:

It all started on Canada Day, my cousins and I bought fire works as we usually do for this occasion. Anyway they were going to stay the night at my house. Then they brought their gfs. Then another friend of my cousins came with his gf. Then my brother had another 2 of my cousins who are about his age (16ish). in total there was 11 people including me and my brother. So my parents got mad at me cuz I didn't tell them this many people were staying the night but i assumed they knew. I explained to the smarter one of my cousins (we'll call him x in this situation) and he told me that his friend (who we'll call A) and his gf weren't staying, either was x's gf. Then the idiot cousin (we'll call Y) was telling everyone else to stay which made me mad.

Anyway, I was pissed for most of the night while everyone else got drunk and looked like they had a good time, at my expense. Around 2 I said fuck it and I went to my room. So the next day was normal everyone was fine; A and his gf left and so did x's. Around July 3rd is where things got fucked. Me and x went to Y's house and when we got there his gf was still with him. Y's mother (who is fucked in the head to begin with) looked all panicky and decided to call Y and his gf up from the basement and have a talk with him. So they talked for a good half hour to 45 minutes and when all that was done they took off without saying anything to me or x. For a whole week I didn't talk to him, he usually texts me or shows up at my house. Last Sunday was the first I saw of him and he wasn't himself and when i confronted him about this 'conversation' he had with his parents he refused to say anything to me.

THEN today he texts me going on about some shit wanting me to look something up on the internet for him and he made clear to me not to tell anything to anyone else in the family. I ask him why, he says cuz I always tell our grandma stuff and he gets in trouble. Heres the stupid part: His whole family keeps everything a secret from every one else in the family. Whether its family issues or getting a new piece of furniture, EVERYTHING that happens in Y's house is kept a secret. So when he starts texting me to not tell ppl in the family I'm assuming its some sort of test to see if I'm going to tell someone. Then I go on and say well first of all, why don't you tell me what that conversation was about since it was about me ( I know for a fact they were talking about me because they think I go tell their family 'secrets' to everyone else. Truth is when I tell my grandma things its normal everyday things that would come up in a normal conversation, I'm pretty close to my grandparents so I talk to them a lot). Anyway he says o ya your always blabing about something getting me and x in trouble. I think my cousin is a fuckin schizo and I've matched his personality to someone who is a psychopath and when i say this I don't mean one of those serial killers in prison, you can see it here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy#Symptoms (he fits 17 of the symptoms). Anyway I told him I'm not arguing over text messaging and we need to talk about this in person to which he replies I'm not sure about that.

My problem is that I'm constantly in these situations with him. We can be on good terms for the longest time, then something will happen and fuck it up. You can't talk to him about his problems either because he twists things around and makes you think its your own fault. He does this all the time with girls. He thinks that lying and 'fibbing' aren't the same thing and that twisting the truth is ok. All of his girl friends he lies to and they believe him. They are all younger than he is which is how he gets them. And once he's got them he makes them turn against their friends so they can't tell them things. I've tried warning many girls about him but this results in him not talking to me and they don't believe me and think im just jealous so I stopped.

The main issue here is that I was the subject in their conversation and I want to know what was said and no one will tell me. I don't want to stop hanging out with him but he won't talk. The only way to resolve the issue is if I just drop it. I've done it before when he told his parents I was buying him smokes and got him into it, when it was the other way around. The whole family was mad at me for this and no one would believe me.

This is a long post but its a deep complicated issue and I've just scratched the surface and I need advice. I see these people regularly and I don't want to be on unfriendly terms. I really want a fresh opinion on the subject cuz the only people who I can talk to about it who actually listen is x and my grandma and it doesn't result in any progress... :?


Well-known member
79 views and no suggestions? Well I think I've smoothed things over but I don't feel comfortable about it still.


Well-known member
I think i can relate to the kind of relationship you have with your cousin, with one of my own family members. It's one of those ppl who thrives on mind games and lies and deceit (and turning ppl against others), but since they do some good on the side as well it's hard to really dislike them. Like one day they're your friend, the next they're totally conspiring against you. I don't know if that's exactly what you're going through, but nevertheless, the best thing you can do is just keep those ppl at arm's length, but still be on friendly terms. Keep information to yourself. Don't get so much involved with them. It might be difficult at first but it's best if you want to keep a decent family relationship going.