What should we do?


Well-known member
Should i try and deal with HH and treat it with antiperpseratns and iontophoresis almost everyday? or should i get ETS surgery? I'm just sick of hearing all the success stories and how simple the procedure is. Wouldn't you risk sweatng a little somehwhere else for having sweaty hands and feet???


Active member
I heard the ETS surgery does not help sweaty feet and can make it worse. I may have the ETS if this botox I am getting does not work. It is covered by unsurance so I have nothing to lose by trying. I know it will hurt though.


Well-known member
well ets is just so weird. some people have great results other's wish they never did it. you just have to ask yourself if it's worth the risks?


Well-known member
There are folks out there with worse conditions than HH. Personally, I would not have minded HH as long as there was a cure or treatment that actually worked!!!! The problem is that the god-damned ionto is just not effective or consistent!


If I were you I would make sure that I had tried all of the other options first. Surgery should be your final resort.

Good luck with your decision though!