What MEDS have you tried?


I know it can and does take months to find a medication that is right for each person, but I've been living with this anxiety all my life so I am curious as to everyone's experiences with anxiety medication.

At first I took sertraline (Zoloft) and that cleared up my anxiety-induced depression. I never was depressed in college, but once I got into the real world and saw the heavy social aspect involved in almost every job, it depressed me. Zoloft combined with CBT seemed to help slightly with anxiety in one-on-one situations but it was still very much there. I tried Lexapro with similar effects. I've researched the medicines that are prescribed for social anxiety and the ones left that I am curious about are:

any other SSRIs/SNRIs that you know of.

I'd like to avoid using MAOIs if I can but if all else fails I will do take whatever I need.


My opinion is don't waste your time with paxil and prozac, their effects are minimal at best. Get a decent dosage of effexor, failing that the most powerful MAOI nardil, and failing that a course of benzodiazapines.
I think too often doctors try and flog off the crappy weaker drugs, I guess it's their job to find the weakest drug that does the job for a person so that person is not totally drugged up and getting heaps of side effects...