What is your day like?


Active member
I was just curious what a usual day was like for the rest of you.

I'll share my pretty mundate day but after someone else goes first :?


Get up in the morning, usually late.... use the bathroom and think to myself how crappy it is to have yesterday repeating itself... same old everyday...shower, skip breakfast (grab something to eat at work)

Work, come home, shower, relax with the TV, relax some more with dinner, relax after dinner, go to bed late and repeat. Sometimes I will do somehing with a friend in the evening, usually not tho.

Weekends are pretty much the same without working...usually see friends for a few hours


Well-known member
7am - Get up and get the bus

8am - 6pm University lectures, studying, coursework, revising for exams, writing reports etc.

6pm - 11pm Feel depressed and smoke. :lol:

Actually now thats all gone done the pan because I graduated, I'm incredibly depressed with no more daily routine. :cry:


Well-known member
7:30am Alarm goes off

8:30am On the bus

9:00am Work

8:00pmish Leave the office

8:30pm Get home and eat

9:00pm Go on the internet

12:00/1am Go to bed

My weekends are pretty much the same except I stay in my room all day and drinking is sometimes involved


Active member
Your all routine sound much more "normal" then mine. I'm not working right now and basicly living off my parents, I had intentions of going back to school but that never ended up happening.

I usually get up about 11am mess around on the computer for a few hours and before I know it it's afternoon. I set my grandmother up for her afternoon lunch so she can take her medications. I also do yard work, mowing the lawn and cutting the grass, that's good excersise and gets me out of the house. Other then that I pretty much am on the internet most of my time.

I'm curious what kind of jobs you all have that you can do with your social anxiety...