What Is Hyperhidrosis?


New member

I know there's lots of "diagnose me" posts but I was wondering what you guys thought of my situation...

I sweat very heavily as a rule of thumb and find heat intolerable (thank God it was a wet Summer this year :D ) and it tends to fall into one of the three times:

Whenever I have skin-on-"something" contact I find it start to becomes very sweaty. For example if I'm sitting in a chair with no arms on (and so my arms are down by my side) my armpits start to sweat and even if my arms are folded my hands get damp as well. Yet I can sit in the exact same conditions but with my arms away from my body and my hands open and I won't sweat - or at least I don't notice it. Another example is when I wear headphones. If I wear the type that goes around and touches your ear as opposed to in it - my ears actually sweat which I couldn't believe.

I also get extremely hot before sweating (like most people) and find that if I can cool myself down then I won't sweat. It's not like I just start sweating randomly. It generally tends to be my face but I don't turn red or look hot (except the sweating obviously) which are both symptoms of Facial Blushing I assume?

And finally, as lots of others have said, whenever I'm around lots of people I also tend to sweat except as per above I get very hot very quickly and then start to sweat as opposed to just sweating. It's now got to the point where if I want to tell a story/joke etc to more than 5 people I'll start sweating almost immediately (I assume that's Anxiety based?). Even tonight I've just got back from a party that I just walked out of 'cos it was too hot in there.

Is this normal HH behaviour? (If there is such a thing)




Well-known member
Hi, sounds like HH symptoms to me, but first check out with your doctor as there are many illnesses that give rise to sweating.

Failing that, check out the top 'sticky' post about all the remedies that are available, good luck


New member

Been to my doctor and had the blood test to rule out anything else and it came back negative so I guess it must be.....just doesn't sound like normal symptoms :?

Thanks will do,