What If's...


Well-known member
Hey all, I wanted to try out something new. I want everyone to post a real what-if question related to their social anxiety in a social situation and to also post the answer for the what-if question for the person above them.

For example:

1st Poster: What if I had asked for her phone number?

2nd Poster: <Insert Silly/Serious/Encouraging Answer Here>

What if I go water-skiing tomorrow with some acquaintances?

3rd Poster: Etc. Etc.

I just think this would be a good way to possibly shrug some anxiety and obsessions off of our minds, whether they be mulling over the past or future. I'll start:

What if I had gone to the mixer with the free bar tab last night?


Well-known member
What if...I actually opened all those envelopes from the IRS that have been piling up in my desk drawer?

You might panic, run outside screaming for the whole street to hear, have a heart attack, and die.

What if I actually went to the place where I'm trying to get a job and asked why they haven't responded to my online application?


Well-known member
What if I actually went to the place where I'm trying to get a job and asked why they haven't responded to my online application?

They would say, laughing, "Oh man, I can't believe you actually came back!"

What if I'd go and get my marks for my latest exams.


You would find out that you got straight A's

What if i had slept in till 5pm today?


Well-known member
What if i had slept in till 5pm today?

You would've missed the warm breeze in your face and that fresh, sexy smell of Mother Nature waking up from her winter nap.

What if I decided to pick up the phone and call my family?
he'd just tell u too correct it.. everyone makes mistakes.. dont take it as a cliche...
what if I went studying, but didnt succeed? and ruin everyhting about school...